
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

400-408 – • John Nolte (Breitbart, 10/09/2012) WHITE HOUSE COMES CLEAN: NO PROTEST OUTSIDE LIBYA CONSULATE.

// In other words, absolutely everything we were told by our government -- by President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, Ambassador Susan Rice. White House Spokesman Jay Carney, and any number of staffers and surrogates -- was 100% false.

There were no protests, no benign crowds exploited by local militias, and nothing had anything to do with a video. Our Ambassador, another diplomat, and two Navy SEALs were murdered in a brutally efficient and coordinated terrorist attack.  Period.  End of story.

• Fox News (10/09/2012) Records show calls for more protection in Libya, 230 'security incidents' before strike.

The U.S. mission in Libya recorded 230 "security incidents" over a one-year period between 2011 and 2012, according to a State Department document that provides the most expansive view yet of the concerns on the ground in the run-up to the deadly Sept. 11 consulate attack. 

The document was obtained by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is preparing to hold a high-profile hearing on Wednesday featuring security officers who served in Libya. 

One of them, Eric Nordstrom, claimed in an Oct. 1 email -- obtained by Fox News -- that he had argued for additional security, citing the "number of incidents that targeted diplomatic missions." 

However, Nordstrom suggested the U.S. government was eager to give the impression that Libya was safer than it was and declined. // 

• (4X) • The Blaze (10/10/2012) REP. TREY GOWDY (R-SC) EXPLODES AT LIBYA HEARING: 'I WANT TO KNOW WHY WE WERE LIED TO'.  Today at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


428-438 – (5X) Today on Fox News with Brett Baier, Steve Hayes, Mara Liasson, and Charles Krauthammer.

• Fox News (10/10/2012) TIMELINE: New details of Sept. 11 consulate attack in Libya.

• LINER – Pastors, join us for our half-day annual pastors conference, Impact 2012, from 830-1230, tomorrow October 11th at APU!  Pastors, you're going to hear strategic keys on how to increase the impact of your ministry shared by gifted servants of God – Rick Warren, Ken Ulmer and Robert Jeffress. You'll get answers to your toughest questions from our Pastors Panel that I'll emcee – with pastors Jeff Vines, Steve Wilburn, Shawn Thornton and Scott Daniels.  And you'll hear encouraging testimonies from ministries working overseas – Gospel for Asia and Forever Found.  With inspiring worship by the Harvest Worship Band.  As well as resources for your church – including web designers, retreat hotels, building and financial services, health insurance and more!  Pre-register now for this "free lunch," at, keyword "Impact."

443-452 – (2X) • Huffington Post (10/10/2012) Obama On Debate: 'I Was Just Too Polite'.  On Tom Joyner's radio program this morning.  Obama – Well, two things. I mean, you know, the debate, I think it's fair to say I was just too polite, because, you know, it's hard to sometimes just keep on saying and what you're saying isn't true. It gets repetitive. But, you know, the good news is, is that's just the first one. Governor Romney put forward a whole bunch of stuff that either involved him running away from positions that he had taken, or doubling down on things like Medicare vouchers that are going to hurt him long term.

(1:03) Romney on with Wolf Blitzer talking about Big Bird.

(:23) Chris Matthews on Big Bird.

(5X) Actress Stacey Dash on with Piers Morgan.  She's getting heat from the black community for supporting Romney and Ryan.

• LINER – Join KKLA this Sunday for the premier of "Crossroads," an inspiring story of redemption, forgiveness, and God's grace, that's won 5 Dove awards.  The film starts at 730pm and tickets are $12.  For more info, go to

458-508 – Ann Coulter, best-selling author of many books, including her latest just released Tuesday (9/25/2012) entitled Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (2012) (Amazon) (

• Ann is speaking at tomorrow's luncheon at the Four Seasons Beverly Hills put on by David Horowitz.  For more info, go to her website.

• Terence Jeffrey (CNS, 10/10/2012) U.S. Embassy in Libya Sought $13,000-Per-Year Bodyguards With 'Limited' English; But Gave Preference to Citizen 'Same-Sex Domestic Partners' of U.S. Gov't EmployeesThe Obama State Department "preferred" to send open homosexuals to Muslim countries – did they ever think of the message they were communicating to that Muslim country?  Like Libya?

In the months leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the U.S. Embassy in Libya was seeking to hire two bodyguards with "limited" English language skills at salaries of about $13,000 per year.

Job descriptions for these openings that the U.S. Embassy in Libya posted online said the State Department would give preference in filling them to qualified U.S. citizens who were family members of U.S. government employees.

The job descriptions explicitly stated that this included the "same-sex domestic partners" of U.S. government employees.

In addition to the two bodyguards, the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya was also seeking a security guard, a surveillance detection specialist, a chauffeur for the consulate in Benghazi and a "Senior Guard" for the Local Guard Force working to secure the embassy. //

512-523 – Ann Coulter,

528-539 – Jennifer Walsh, Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and professor of political science at APU (, discusses Young America's Foundation being denied becoming a club on the campus of APU.

• Fox News (10/05/2012) Christian University Bans Conservative Student Club.

• APU (10/07/2012) University Statement.

• LINER – Pastors, join us for our half-day annual pastors conference, Impact 2012, from 830-1230, tomorrow October 11th at APU!  Pastors, you're going to hear strategic keys on how to increase the impact of your ministry shared by gifted servants of God – Rick Warren, Ken Ulmer and Robert Jeffress. You'll get answers to your toughest questions from our Pastors Panel that I'll emcee – with pastors Jeff Vines, Steve Wilburn, Shawn Thornton and Scott Daniels.  And you'll hear encouraging testimonies from ministries working overseas – Gospel for Asia and Forever Found.  With inspiring worship by the Harvest Worship Band.  As well as resources for your church – including web designers, retreat hotels, building and financial services, health insurance and more!  Pre-register now for this "free lunch," at, keyword "Impact."

544-554 – Jennifer Walsh,

(2X) • Huffington Post (10/10/2012) Obama On Debate: 'I Was Just Too Polite'.  On Tom Joyner's radio program this morning.  Obama – Well, two things. I mean, you know, the debate, I think it's fair to say I was just too polite, because, you know, it's hard to sometimes just keep on saying and what you're saying isn't true. It gets repetitive. But, you know, the good news is, is that's just the first one. Governor Romney put forward a whole bunch of stuff that either involved him running away from positions that he had taken, or doubling down on things like Medicare vouchers that are going to hurt him long term.

558-608 – Wesley J. Smith, an attorney, bioethicist, and Co-Director of the Center on Human Exceptionalism at the Discovery Institute (, and blogger at NRO's "Human Exceptionalism" blog (  His latest book is Consumer's Guide to a Brave New World (2010) (Amazon), and among his earlier books are A Rat is a Pig is a Dog is a Boy: The Human Cost of Animal Rights (2009) (Amazon) now in paperback (2012);  Forced Exit: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide and the New Duty to Die (2006) (Amazon); and Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America (2002) (Amazon).  Wesley and his wife, Debra Saunders, are Eastern Orthodox.

• Nearly every time he's on, we get updates on the latest in wacko environmentalism news, like what's going on with ecocides, the "rights of nature" movement, and crimes against other plants, like the decapitation of a dandelion.  And, with regards to animal life, the latest on speciesism, PETA, transhumanism, machicide, PAS, euthanasia, eugenics, cryogenics, wrongful birth lawsuits, after-birth abortion, and other efforts to minimize human exceptionalism including biological colonialism.  See this wacky site

To bring it all together… if the state has the right to force you to pay for things that violate your conscience, and national healthcare will be distributing limited resources, you have the situation where the state will be telling you not only how to live but who should live.  If you think it's wrong to take the money for grandpa's heart transplant and give it to a young worker's sex transplant, then too bad.  If the state decides it's in it's interest to do so, you're not only going to lose the argument, you're going to pay for it.

612-623 – Wesley J. Smith,

• Wesley J. Smith (10/08/2012) Stem Cells from Skin Cells Wins Nobel Prize.

• LINER – Pastors, join us for our half-day annual pastors conference, Impact 2012, from 830-1230, tomorrow October 11th at APU!  Pastors, you're going to hear strategic keys on how to increase the impact of your ministry shared by gifted servants of God – Rick Warren, Ken Ulmer and Robert Jeffress. You'll get answers to your toughest questions from our Pastors Panel that I'll emcee – with pastors Jeff Vines, Steve Wilburn, Shawn Thornton and Scott Daniels.  And you'll hear encouraging testimonies from ministries working overseas – Gospel for Asia and Forever Found.  With inspiring worship by the Harvest Worship Band.  As well as resources for your church – including web designers, retreat hotels, building and financial services, health insurance and more!  Pre-register now for this "free lunch," at, keyword "Impact."

628-639 – Wesley J. Smith,

• Wesley J. Smith (9/10/2012) New Zealand Grants "Rights" to a River.

644-656 – Wesley J. Smith,

• Newsmax (10/09/2012) Black Faith Leaders Plan $1M anti-Obama Effort Over Same-Sex Marriage.

• Jonah Goldberg (NRO, 10/10/2012) Blaming the Bush Tax Cuts.

• Jack Welch (WSJ, 10/10/2012) Jack Welch: I Was Right About That Strange Jobs Report.  The economy would need to be growing at breakneck speed for unemployment to drop to 7.8% from 8.3% in the course of two months.

• Katie Pavlich (Townhall, 10/10/2012) Caught on Tape: Salaried Obama Campaign Worker Helps Undercover Reporter Vote Twice.