400-408 – Today was our half-day annual pastors conference, Impact 2012, at APU, and I want thank the 800+ pastors who showed up to hear Robert Jeffress, Ken Ulmer, and Rick Warren, and then briefly from pastors Jeff Vines, Steve Wilburn, Shawn Thornton and Scott Daniels.
• LINER – Join KKLA this Sunday for the premier of "Crossroads," an inspiring story of redemption, forgiveness, and God's grace, that's won 5 Dove awards. The film starts at 730pm and tickets are $12. For more info, go to alextheater.org.
• Business Insider (10/11/2012) We've Gotten To The Bottom Of The Mysterious Jobless Claims Report!
• CNBC (10/11/2012) Why Jobless Claims May Not Be as Good as Market Thinks.
Speaking about the horrific and deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya on CNN Thursday, Obama campaign spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter told host Brooke Baldwin that the only reason Benghazi is a political issue is "because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan."
After Baldwin played a video montage of the all the misleading statements made by the Obama administration about the Benghazi attack, in which officials, including President Obama, repeatedly blamed the anti-Muslim YouTube video, Cutter blamed the GOP presidential nominee and his running mate for making it a "political topic."
"The entire reason that this has become the political topic it is, is because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. It's a big part of their stump speech," Cutter said. "And it's reckless and irresponsible."
"But Stephanie, this is national security," the host replied.
"It is absolutely national security," Cutter confirmed.
// The Obama campaign immediately defended Cutter's statement, emailing a second comment from Cutter to BuzzFeed:
From the time of the attack in Libya, Mitt Romney has stopped at nothing to politicize these events. While Mitt Romney, Congressman Ryan, and their Republican allies in Congress have turned a national tragedy into a political circus, the President has been focused on getting the facts, finding the terrorists responsible, and bringing them to justice. Our nation's security and how we handle the transitions in the Middle East and North Africa are critical issues in this campaign, and just 26 days before an election, the American people deserve real ideas and specifics from Mitt Romney.
UPDATE: Shortly after Cutter's comments on the terrorist attack in Libya, Romney Campaign National Press Secretary Andrea Saul, released the following statement:
"President Obama's campaign today said that Libya is only an issue because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. They're wrong. The reason it is an issue is because, for the first time since 1979, an American ambassador was assassinated and President Obama's foreign policy strategy of 'leading from behind' is failing. This administration has continually misled the American public about what happened in Benghazi and, rather than be truthful about the sequence of events, has instead skirted responsibility and dodged questions. The American people deserve straight answers about this tragic event and a president who can provide leadership, not excuses."
When it comes to the ruthlessness of Team Obama and its ability to manipulate a media desperate to be manipulated, a "gaffe" is not always a gaffe. Today on CNN, Stephanie Cutter, Obama's deputy campaign manager, said something quite incredible -- that the "only reason" the murder of a US ambassador in Benghazi, Libya had become a political issue is "because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. It's a big part of their stump speech. It's reckless and irresponsible what they're doing."
On its face that sounds like a bombshell gaffe; something completely inappropriate and perfectly outrageous. Cutter is many things, though, including a brazen liar, but she is not stupid. And the Obama campaign has always been one that looks like its playing checkers when it's usually playing chess.
// The media now has its marching orders -- blast Romney for politicizing Libya every time his campaign brings it up.
And you can bet the media is relieved to have received those orders and is eager to oblige.
443-452 – (1:45) • Breitbart (10/11/2012) DNC CHAIR: WH WRONG STATEMENTS ABOUT LIBYA ATTACK 'DOESN'T MEAN THEY WERE FALSE'. CNN's Piers Morgan last night with Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Morgan: The really important horse that should be flogged is the behavior and the statements of those who are in positions of responsibility and we would assume knowledge. And it's pretty unAmerican, pretty unAmerican to be putting up completely false statements before you know the facts, isn't it?
Schultz: Piers, it is not okay for you to be saying that the administration was putting out completely false statements. They put out information that they had at the time based on the intelligence that they were given --
Morgan: That turned out to be completely wrong.
Schultz: Well that doesn't mean it was false. It doesn't mean that it was deliberate. It means that.
Morgan: What?! Now wait a minute. If you put out a false statement, then it's false, it's wrong. It's both of those things.
Schultz: But you're suggesting that it's … Piers, what you're suggesting is that it was somehow deliberate. It was not deliberate. What they did was it was important to get information out that they had at the time. And they did that. And as they learned more information, they corrected the original information that they put out. But there was nothing sinister here. This was simply the president of the United States and the administration making sure that we did a careful investigation, gave the American people the information that they needed at the time that we had based on our best intelligence and then as more intelligence was gathered we gave the updated information. There is nothing sinister about that. What's terrible unfortunate though, is that you do -- there's no around these investigations that Republicans in Congress and Mitt Romney have left to go after the administration questioning whether or not there was any deliberate attempt to mislead. We should be closing ranks, working together to prevent this from happening again.
Morgan: Well the answer to that Debbie, is -- the answer to that is to make sure that the original statements that were made are accurate.
458-508 – Today was our half-day annual pastors conference, Impact 2012, at APU, and I want thank the 800+ pastors who showed up to hear Robert Jeffress, Ken Ulmer, and Rick Warren, and then briefly from pastors Jeff Vines, Steve Wilburn, Shawn Thornton and Scott Daniels.
512-523 – Today, several of you came up and wanted to thank me for how I handled a situation with a caller two months ago, one for which we got more email than for any other show in almost 9 years. So, here it is. As you hear this, what do you think? Like Goldilocks, was I too hot or too cold? Did I show too much grace and not enough law, or too much law and not enough grace. Those of you with gay friends and family, what do you think? How about those of you who are gay, what do you think?
This was back on August 2nd, the day of the whole Chic-Fil-A thing, and I took a call from Christina, who said she was a conservative Christian and Republican that I had met at the Dream Center, who lives in West Hollywood, that she supported traditional marriage, and she supported Chick-Fil-A – even though she was a lesbian in a long term same-sex relationship.
Screener "Katy."
(4X) Christina, the Christian-lesbian.
TH 523 – Don Rohde, sales manager at Galpin Ford for the past 40 years – "Go see for yourself why they've been the #1 volume Ford dealer in the world for the past 22 consecutive years! Call Don's personal cell at (818) 262-2092." Also offering Mazda, Honda, Volvo, Subaru, and Volkswagen.
528-539 – Calls –
• LINER – Join KKLA this Sunday for the premier of "Crossroads," an inspiring story of redemption, forgiveness, and God's grace, that's won 5 Dove awards. The film starts at 730pm and tickets are $12. For more info, go to alextheater.org.
544-554 – Calls –
558-608 – Calls –
• LINER – Go to kkla.com, keyword "Jeremiah," for your chance to win David Jeremiah's latest book "God Loves You, He Always Has, and He Always Will."
612-623 – Calls –
628-639 – Keith & Kristyn Getty (gettymusic.com), the Irish husband-and-wife worship team known for their modern hymns, like In Christ Alone – and by the way, I have both Awaken the Dawn and In Christ Alone CDs on my iPhone – are now out with their latest entitled Hymns for the Christian Life. They have a daughter, Eliza Joy, born last year. This Sunday, they'll be out at Grace Community with John MacArthur.
• LINER – Join KKLA this Sunday for the premier of "Crossroads," an inspiring story of redemption, forgiveness, and God's grace, that's won 5 Dove awards. The film starts at 730pm and tickets are $12. For more info, go to alextheater.org.
644-656 – Keith & Kristyn Getty