
Monday, October 29, 2012

Re the Propositions, I've got my Voter's Guide now up at, just click on my picture to download the pdf.  Basically, it's YES ON 32, 33, 35, 40, and NO on everything else.

400-408 – •• Awr Hawkins (Breitbart, 10/27/2012) 'STAND DOWN': U.S. HAD TWO DRONES, AC-130 GUNSHIP, AND TARGETS PAINTED IN BENGHAZI.

Reports indicate two drones and an AC-130 gunship were in the area when Benghazi was attacked, yet their resources were not used.

This runs completely against the current explanation coming out of the White House, which is that Obama did everything he could once he learned of the attack. 

You'll remember that in the second presidential debate, Obama said that as "soon as I was aware the Benghazi consulate was being overrun, I was on the phone with my national security team." The not-so-subtle intimation is that Obama was stepping up to the protect the U.S. personnel who were in Libya. And in the wakes of their deaths, which weren't "optimal," we have been assured that stronger action wasn't taken stronger because those options weren't available.

Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta gave us another version this same excuse, saying: "The U.S. military did not get involved during the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi last month because officials did not have enough information about what was going on before the attack was over."

There are three huge problems with the excuses Obama and Panetta are making.

1. It is now known that the U.S. had two drones in the area -- both of which were filming the attacks, sending back feeds in real time, and at least one of the drone may have been armed.  

2. Reports also indicate a Specter gunship, probably an AC-130, was in the area for backup. The gunship could have swooped in and not only leveled the playing field in the match between 50 attackers vs a handful of security personnel, it could have thrown the attack decisively in favor of the security personnel. 

3. The security personnel in Benghazi had painted a laser mark on the attackers outside the consulate. This mark would have made possible a response by the drones or the AC-130 routine had they been allowed to zero in on it. The member of the security team who was on the roof of the consulate, spraying machine gun fire down on the attackers, continually asked for backup from the AC-130. It never came.

Obama says he was doing everything he could, and Panetta says we didn't react more strongly because we weren't sure what was going on. Yet we now know two drones were sending back video of the attack in real time, and at least one of those drones may have been armed. We also know a massive AC-130 gunship could have been used for backup as well, but it was not. And we know that security was begging for backup and even marking targets with lasers for the drones and/or gunship so they could make quick work of the attackers. 

Yet Obama chose not to respond, and that's the bottom line.

413-423 – (3X) From Fox News over the weekend.  • The Right Scoop (10/27/2012) Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: My sources tell me Obama was in the room watching Benghazi attackLt. Col. Tony Shaffer said tonight that his sources tell him that Obama was one of the people in the room watching the Benghazi attack go down and both he and Col. David Hunt agree it would only have taken approval by the president to intervene. Further, Col. Hunt said that we could have had jets on site in 20 minutes, and Delta Force from Sicily on the ground with AC-130 gunship backup overhead in just two hours.  Obama chose not to send Delta Force, or any other troop support, chose not to send in a gunship, or scramble a jet, or green light the drone to hit the laser-painted target.

428-438 – Calls – So ex-military personnel, what do you think of your "new military" that abandoned former Navy SEAL Ty Woods.


443-452 – (3X) Today the Fox Panel with Brett Baier talk about the impact of Sandy on the Presidential Election.

(3X) Today the Fox Panel with Brett Baier talk about the latest info about Benghazi.

458-508 – (K) Patricia Oliver invites everyone out to their Christian Legal Aid of Los Angeles' 6th Annual Prayer Breakfast and fundraiser happening this Saturday November 3rd at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels from 9-11am (, near the corner of Temple and Grand).

512-523 – Re the Propositions, I've got my Voter's Guide now up at, just click on my picture to download the pdf.  Basically, it's YES ON 32, 33, 35, 40, and NO on everything else.

 (5X) • The Blaze (10/28/2012) PRO-OBAMA AD HAS CHILDREN SINGING ABOUT AN AMERICA WHERE 'SICK PEOPLE JUST DIE' & 'OIL FILLS THE SEA'.  It is an independent project by founders Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein and unrelated to the agency's work.

The founders of the ad agency behind the iconic "Got Milk?" ad campaign and some of the other most well-known advertisements in the country have a new message: re-elect President Barack Obama, or your children will live in an America where "sick people just die" and "oil fills the sea."

A two-minute black-and-white spot features a chorus of children — "the children of the future" — singing to their parents that "something happened to our country, and we're kinda blaming you."

A few other choice lyrics: "The Earth is cracked, Big Bird is sacked and the atmosphere is frying."

The ad is the brainchild of Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein, of the San Francisco-based Goodby Silverstein & Partners, for their Future Children Project. The Future Children Project states on its website, "Re-electing President Obama is a momentous decision that will require every single voter. What would the children of the future say if we let them down this November?"

[1] Imagine an America
Where strip mines are fun and free
Where gays can be fixed
And sick people just die
And oil fills the sea

We don't have to pay for freeways!
Our schools are good enough
Give us endless wars
On foreign shores
And lots of Chinese stuff

We're the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we're kinda blaming you

[2] We haven't killed all the polar bears
But it's not for lack of trying
The Earth is cracked
Big Bird is sacked
And the atmosphere is frying

Congress went home early
They did their best we know
You can't cut spending
With elections pending
Unless it's welfare dough

We're the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we're kinda blaming you

[3] Find a park that is still open
And take a breath of poison air
They foreclosed your place
To build a weapon in space
But you can write off your au pair

It's a little awkward to tell you
But you left us holding the bag
When we look around
The place is all dumbed down
And the long term's kind of a drag

[4] We're the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And yeah, we're blaming you

[5] You did your best
You failed the test

Mom and Dad
We're blaming you!

528-539 – Calls – 

544-554 – (2X) • Billy Hallowell (Blaze, 10/29/2012) IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH? SCIENTIST ATTEMPTS TO EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENS TO THE HUMAN 'SOUL'.  Morgan Freeman narrates a recent episode of "Through the Wormhole" on the Science cable show, the topic is Dr. Stuart Hameroff, of the U of A, talking about his theory that consciousness is reducible to quantum information that is the stuff of the very fabric of the universe – and that our souls can survive outside our bodies perhaps indefinitely.



• NLPC (10/29/2012) AUTO BAILOUT BOMBSHELL: Fiat Says Chrysler, Jeep Production May Move to Italy.

• LINER – For your chance to listen to or purchase R.C. Sproul's series entitled "Chuch & State" go to, keyword "Sproul."

558-608 – Gary Black Jr., Chair of the Department of Advanced Studies and Director of their Doctor of Ministry program at APU.  Prior to joining APU, Dr. Black enjoyed a successful business career as a partner with an international Wall Street investment firm, and as a result, he brings a unique blend of economic analysis and real-world corporate leadership experience to his field of theological studies (  Today we talk about his dissertation, the first on the theology of Dallas Willard.

612-623 – Gary Black Jr.,

628-639 – Gary Black Jr.,

644-656 – Gary Black Jr.,