400-408 – Neil Saavedra, describes his nationally-syndicated Jesus Christ Radio Show, heard Sundays on KFI from 6-9am (thejesuschristshow.com), as interactive radio theater that helps people learn about the historical person of Jesus by creatively putting flesh on the bones of history, just as a history teachers dress up as Abraham Lincoln or Benjamin Franklin to teach their students. Neil began answering people's questions about Jesus on radio back in 1990 with his first show "Answers with Shield of Faith," and started on KFI in 1999. Neil refers to himself as a "self-taught lay apologist who currently holds no degrees," and he hates it when people try and sound more educated than they actually are.
413-423 – Neil Saavedra,
428-438 – Neil Saavedra,
443-452 – Neil Saavedra,
458-508 – Dinesh D'Souza (dineshdsouza.com) best-selling author, lecturer, President of King's College (tkc.edu), and the man behind 2016: Obama's America (2016themovie.com) – based upon his two books The Roots of Obama's Rage (2010) (Amazon) and Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream (2012) (Amazon) – that has now taken in over $33M and has become the 4th highest-grossing documentary and 2nd highest-grossing political documentary of all time in box office receipts. It's now available on DVD.
• LINER – For your chance to listen to or purchase R.C. Sproul's series entitled "Chuch & State" go to kkla.com, keyword "Sproul."
512-523 – (4X) Brett Baier led his show this afternoon with the explosive story.
•• Jennifer Griffin (Fox News, 10/26/2012) EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say. So, it was so dangerous on the ground that we couldn't send in our best Special Ops teams to rescue these SEALS and the people they died protecting? For over two weeks the President said it was a spontaneous mob mad at a movie. Why didn't we hear how bad it was on the ground say within a week at the outside? No, the Administration had to stay with their narrative that "al Qaeda is on it's heels."
• Bill Kristol (Weekly Standard, 10/26/2012) Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus.
Breaking news on Benghazi: the CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement: "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. "
So who in the government did tell "anybody" not to help those in need? Someone decided not to send in military assets to help those Agency operators. Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own? No.
It would have been a presidential decision. There was presumably a rationale for such a decision. What was it? When and why—and based on whose counsel obtained in what meetings or conversations—did President Obama decide against sending in military assets to help the Americans in need?
528-539 – • Fox News (10/26/2012) Panetta: Military lacked enough information to intervene during Benghazi attack. You mean the two drones you had overhead providing real time video feeds, the multiple phone calls from the consulate, and the three requests from the Navy SEALS weren't enough "info!?" You couldn't green light one UAV to hit the lasered target? You couldn't scramble one F-18 to thrust afterburners over the consulate to scare away the attackers? You wouldn't green light a C-130 Spectre gunship to provide cover? The two SEALS were killed by mortar fire 7 hours after the initial attack. Plus, it's not your call, it's the President's, to use force in a foreign country.
// "(The) basic principle is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place," Panetta told Pentagon reporters. "And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation."
Panetta was referring to Gen. Carter Ham, the head of U.S. Africa Command, and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
544-554 – (4X) The Fox panel addressed this explosive story.
558-608 –
612-623 – Calls
(4X) Megyn Kelly talked today with Charles Woods, father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods.
• Daniel Halper (Weekly Standard, 10/26/2012) Father of Slain SEAL: Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son? On meeting Obama: "Could not look me in the eye … like shaking hands with a dead fish."
Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, who was killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, reveals details of meeting Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at the publicly broadcast memorial service for the slain Americans at Andrews Air Force Base only days after the attack. And, in a recent radio appearance, Woods publicly questions who made the call not to send in back-up forces to possibly save his son's life, as well as the three other Americans killed in Benghazi (which includes the American ambassador to Libya).
// Woods says he was told by military officials that the military could have "come above [the area] and completely carpeted area," and therefore saved the officials in Benghazi, Libya. But that someone gave the command for the American military not to save the lives of the Americans under attack.
"When I heard, you know, that there's a very good chance that the White House as well as other members of the military knew what was going on and obviously someone had to say, don't go rescue them. Because every person in the military--their first response [would be], we're going to go rescue them. We need to find out who it was that gave that command--do not rescue them."
628-639 – (2X) Obama on KUSA in Denver today, answering questions about Benghazi.
• LINER – For your chance to listen to or purchase R.C. Sproul's series entitled "Chuch & State" go to kkla.com, keyword "Sproul."
644-656 – (5X) Jennifer Griffin breaks the story this morning.
(:59) • Mail Online (10/26/2012) 'My first time was with Obama': Outrage over Girls star Lena Dunham's election video paid for by the president's campaign.
President Obama's campaign is out with an eyebrow-raising new ad targeting young voters in which Lena Dunham, the creator of the HBO hit series 'Girls,' compares her first voting experience to losing her virginity.
'Your first time shouldn't be with just anybody,' Dunham, 26, says in the ad. 'You want to do it with a great guy.'
Dunham goes on to explain that 'your first time' should be with 'someone who really cares about and understands women; A guy who cares whether you get health insurance and specifically whether you get birth control.'
'The consequences are huge,' she continues.
Dunham wraps up the Obama ad by describing her coming-of-age experience at the voting booth.
'It was this line in the sand,' she says. 'Before, I was a girl. Now, I was a woman. I went to the polling station, I pulled back the curtain, I voted for Barack Obama.'
A link to Obama's campaign website at the bottom of the web ad reads: 'Your first time? Get started here.'
Dunham has amassed a cult following among 20-somethings as the creator and starring actress in the HBO hit series, 'Girls.' She has been widely dubbed the 'voice of a generation' for her show's hilarious representation of life as a middle-to-upper-class millennial living in New York City.
The young star is one of many celebrities that the Obama campaign is calling on to try and reach and inspire young people, whose record-breaking turnout on Election Day four years ago was critical to Obama's victory in 2008. Obama needs similar turnout among young people on Election Day this year to win re-election.
Dunham's tongue-in-cheek references to losing her virginity are not lost on Republicans, many of whom say they are outraged by the ad and call it 'disgusting.'
'Talk about desperation,' a conservative blogger wrote on 'The Right Scoop.'
'They've finally sunken to a new low trying to get the youth vote by comparing voting for the first time to having sex for the first time.'
RedState editor-in-chief and CNN contributor Erick Erickson wrote, 'If you need any further proof we live in a fallen world destined for hell fire, consider the number of people who have no problem with the President of the United States, via a campaign ad, ridiculing virgins and comparing sex to voting.'
He said the only honest part of the ad is that Obama's 2008 supporters 'have been screwed -- economically.'
Fox News analyst and conservative author Monica Crowley called the ad 'sick' and 'degrading' on Twitter.
'Of the many sick things about this degrading Lena Dunham "lose your virginity to Barack" ad? The left thinks it's "empowering" to women,' she wrote.
Conservative blogger John Nolte of Breitbart News added: 'How could a president with two young, blossoming daughters release an ad as disgusting as this?'
• Peggy Noonan (WSJ, 10/26/2012) Noonan: When Americans Saw the Real Obama. Why the Denver debate changed everything.