
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

400-408 – • Reuters (2/10/09) U.S. judges seek massive California prisoner release.
413-423Janice Shaw Crouse, Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute at Concerned Women for America (, on her piece below.
428-437 – • Betsy McCaughey (2/9/09) Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan.
• Fox News (2/10/09) Octuplets' Mom On Welfare, Spokesman Confirms.  She's getting $490 per month in food stamps, and three of her six earlier children are disabled.  She used part of the $165,000 in disability payments she got from an injury back in 1999 to pay for the IVF from Dr. Michael Kamrava at the West Coast IVF Clinic.
512-523How can we best minister to Nadya Suleman?
528-538How can we best minister to Nadya Suleman? 
544-554How can we best minister to Nadya Suleman?
555 [1:30] Robert Micone/Bill O'Connor aka "The Money Guys" at Applied Financial, 866-SEEK-COUNSEL, and online at
558-608George Friedman, founder, chairman and Chief Intelligence Officer of STRATFOR ( a private intelligence company that provides customized intelligence services for its clients, wrote America's Secret War back in 2004, and is now out with his latest book The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century.  I encourage you to sign up for his
Friedman graduated with a B.A. from the City College of the City University of New York and holds a Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University. Prior to entering the private sector in 1996, Friedman was a professor of political science for almost 20 years and was an early designer of computerized war games. During his years in academics, Friedman briefed widely on security and national defense matters, including senior commanders in all armed services, the Office of Net Assessments, SHAPE Technical Center, the U.S. Army War College, National Defense University and the RAND Corporation.  In 1994 Friedman founded the Center for Geopolitical Studies at Louisiana State University, which engages in integrated economic, political and military modeling and forecasting and was the only non-DOD/non-governmental organization granted access to Joint Theater Level Simulation (JTLS) by the Joint Warfighting Center.
America will continue to be the strongest nation on the planet for the next century.
The US-Islamist war is almost over because al-Qaida is broken.
China will fragment in the 2020's.
America will experience a massive financial crisis in the 2030's. 
Declining global population will lead America to pay immigrants to come to America.
In the 2040's three world powers will emerge:  Japan, Turkey, and Poland.
The global war in the 2050's will be between the united forces of Japan-Turkey against US-Poland.
The war will begin with sneak attacks on American military space stations.  America-Poland will win.
Space-based energy-collection facilities and advanced robotics will lead America's growing strength.
Global warming will soon be a moot issue due to the development of alternative energy sources and declining global population.
612-623 George Friedman Calls
628-638George Friedman Calls
644-655George Friedman Calls
• Calvin Woodward (2/9/09) FACT CHECK: Obama has it both ways on pork.
• Thomas Sowell (2/10/09) De-Programming Students.
701 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 550
Glendale, CA 91203
Office (818) 956-5552 
Frank's Assistant Nate Hanson
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