
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Coming to you live today from Focus on the Family up in Colorado Springs, as we support their important work of strengthening and supporting families and parents – many of them right here in LA.  Your monthly pledge of $30 or more helps FOTF stay on KKLA, helping even more families and marriages.  To help, call 1-855-515-5433 or give online at

• For your gift of $30 a month, you get to choose from three "thank you" gifts:  1) A 3-CD set of their best Life Changing Conversations with experts on family, marriage and parenting from their national radio program.  2) A JellyTelly DVD entitled What's in the Bible? from the creators of Veggie Tales.  3) A fully-dramatized CD of C.S. Lewis' classic tale The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe from their Family's Radio Theatre. 

• Please consider making a one-time special gift of $500 or more to scholarship a struggling couple to attend Hearts Restored. Led by Greg & Erin Smalley, couples will learn step-by-step conflict resolution designed to help them reclaim hope for their marriage. 84% of divorce-minded couples end up changing their minds once they attend sessions like this – 5 years later!  "$500 saves a marriage!"  And thanks to a generous OC donor, these gifts will be doubled today.

• In 2011:  FOTF made 64,000 counseling follow-up phone calls, was responsible for 83,000 decisions for Christ, helped 750,000 parents in crisis with troubled kids, and saved over 1,400,000 marriages!  Each day, over 7,000 people call the FOTF helpline at 1-800-A-FAMILY.

• But, maybe it's your marriage or family that's in trouble today.  Please know FOTF cares, and if you want to call and talk to someone who will listen and help, call their family help line at 1-800-A-FAMILY (1-800-232-6459). It's totally free, and they have licensed counselors who can help you sort through the stuff that's going on with your family.  They're available M-F from 5AM-7PM Pacific.

400-408 – Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family (, heard weekdays here on KKLA at 4:30am, 7:30am, 11:30am, and 10:00pm, and author of his latest book coming out October 16th, entitled Refocus (2012).  An MTV survey reports that 93% of their viewers want a "life-long monogamous marriage."

413-423 – Jim Daly

428-438 – Diane Ingolia, Hospitality Specialist, Focus on the Family.

443-452 – Diane Ingolia, 

458-508 – Rhonda Frailey, Donor Appreciation Representative, share how FOTF helped her.  "Joanie" called to ask for more info on "Hearts Restored" because her marriage is in trouble. 

512-523 – Lisa Anderson, Director Young Adult Program, and host of Boundless (  

528-539 – Lisa Anderson,


558-608 – Kneeland Brown, Executive Director, Focus Leadership Institute with Yvette Diaz from Covina. 

612-623 – Dr. Greg Smalley, Executive Director, Marriage and Family Formation.  Greg and Erin have been married for 20 years, and enjoy three daughters and a son.  Erin is a nurse with a masters degree in clinical psychology.

628-639 – Dr. Greg Smalley

644-656 – Kelly Rosati, Vice President, Community Outreach, overseeing the Adoption & Orphan Care Initiative, the Option Ultrasound Program, and The Truth Project.  She and her husband John have been married 19 years, and they've adopted four children out of foster care – two boys and two girls – and wrote of their journey in Wait No More (Tyndale, 2011).  To date, more than 2,000 families have initiated the process of adoption from foster care through the Wait No More program.
