
Monday, November 19, 2012

400-408 – Melody Rossi, known as the "Mother of the Hood" for her work with Cloud and Fire Ministries in the San Fernando Valley (on Van Nuys Blvd, between Sherman Way and Van Owen) which she founded 13 years ago.  Melody grew up in a mafia family, became an opera singer, and after marrying found out she was infertile.  She became a substitute teacher in LA Unified, and in seeing the need for her junior-highers, invited them to hang out after school.  They soon invited their brothers and sisters, and Cloud and Fire was birthed.   They're a faith-based outreach to low-income urban youth and their families (, 818-920-0101). Your gift of $25 can provide a family supper for five young people.  And, next Wednesday, we'll be doing our show from their new "Youth Build" facility which provides an opportunity for adults aged 17-24 to get their GED.

413-423 – Melody Rossi,

428-438 – (2X) • Billy Hallowell (Blaze, 10/29/2012) IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH? SCIENTIST ATTEMPTS TO EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENS TO THE HUMAN 'SOUL'.  Morgan Freeman narrates a recent episode of "Through the Wormhole" on the Science Channel, the topic is Dr. Stuart Hameroff, of the U of A, talking about his theory that consciousness is reducible to quantum information that is the stuff of the very fabric of the universe – and that our souls can survive outside our bodies perhaps indefinitely.

LINER – Last September hundreds of couples in Southern California strengthened and redefined their marriage from the comfort of their own church!  And due to popular demand, KKLA is again partnering with Family Life Today to bring the Art of Marriage to your church February 8th and 9th at absolutely no cost to you. To sign up or for more information visit or call 818-662-3782, that's 818-662-3782.

443-452 – Keith Matthews, is Professor of Spiritual Formation & Contemporary Culture at APU, and also is the Chair of their Graduate Ministry Department as well (  He was a pastor for 20 years, he serves on Dallas Willard's supervisory council, has taught alongside him for years, and even designed and co-wrote The Divine Conspiracy Study Guide.  Keith and Christa have three children, Cori, Kyle and Kate. 

• Keith recommends starting your journey into spiritual formation with the 3-book series by James Bryan Smith, starting with The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows, followed by The Good and Beautiful Life: Putting on the Character of Christ, and finally The Good and Beautiful Community: Following the Spirit, Extending Grace, Demonstrating Love.

• Keith just finished Eben Alexander's Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife (2012) (Amazon), and shares his thoughts.

458-508 – Keith Matthews,

512-523 – Keith Matthews,

528-539 – Dr. Larry Arnn, has been the president of Hillsdale College ( since May of 2000, and for the 15 years prior to that was the president of The Claremont Institute ( from 1985-2000.  Dr. Arnn's academic expertise rests in primarily the lives of two great men Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill – he was the Director of Research for Churchill's official biographer Sir Martin Gilbert of Oxford University; and he earned his Ph.D. in Government from Claremont Graduate University under the world's foremost Lincoln scholar Harry Jaffa (1985).  Dr. Arnn still teaches courses at Hillsdale on Aristotle, Churchill, and the American Constitution.  His latest book is The Founders' Key: The Divine and Natural Connection Between the Declaration and the Constitution and What We Risk by Losing It (2012) (Amazon).  And beginning this fall semester (2012), Hillsdale College Graduate School of Statesmanship will start classes for M.A. and Ph.D. students in politics.  Larry and his wife, Penelope, have four children, Katy, Henry, Alice and Tony.

• Hillsdale offers two excellent online courses on the Constitution – Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution, and Constitution 201: The Progressive Reflection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism.

544-554 – Dr. Larry Arnn,

558-608 – David Aikman, one of the most accomplished journalists of our generation, spent 23 years at TIME magazine reporting on nearly every major historical event in the world from his visits to 55 countries between 1971 to 1994, interviewing the most significant figures of the era, and winning numerous awards.  Since then, he's written over a dozen books including his latest entitled One Nation without God?: The Battle for Christianity in an Age of Unbelief (2012) (Amazon), ( 

612-623 – David Aikman, What does it mean to be a Christian in Amsterdam, Moscow, or Tokyo?  Christianity is seen so trivial, it's not even taken seriously enough to be considered an intellectual threat by secularists.

628-639 – David Aikman, Secularism is parasitic.  

644-656 – David Aikman, Locke & Rousseau and the divine origin of rights.

Friday, November 16, 2012

400-408 – KP Yohannan, founder and international director of Gospel for Asia (, that's brought to the Gospel to millions in South Asia over the past 30 years.  For some great holiday ideas, go to

413-423 – Colin Stewart, VP of Advancement for Patrick Henry College outside Washington DC (  Join me in being a partner with Patrick Henry College by going to

428-438 – Jeff Bramstedt, retired award-winning Navy Seal and professional stuntman, whose passion is to help men lead a Life of Valor (, and "Jeff Bramstedt" on FB) – one marked by integrity, honor and valor.  Jeff travels the country speaking to NFL teams, churches and men's groups, and this Sunday will be at Bel Air Presbyterian Church for the 9am, 11am, and 6pm services.

Welcome to Life of Valor. This resource has been created by actual Navy SEALs for men who want to live more honorable lives. The SEALs that protect our country live by a code. This resource will challenge you to create your own code and apply it to your life. You will be able to see the codes of other men as well as create your own. You can begin your journey by watching the full resource in the video player located on the left. Pastor's and group leaders can download the full resource and conversation guide by clicking "Start Your Journey Now." Get ready to change your life.

443-452 – Jeff Bramstedt

458-508 – Victor Marx is a martial arts expert with a haunting past – though, on the outside, he looked like a successful young businessman with several lucrative martial arts schools in Hawaii, on the inside, he was still that boy who was physically and sexually abused by multiple stepfathers, living in 17 different houses and attending 14 different schools before graduating high school, and, who horrifically, was locked in a commercial cooler to die at the precious age of 5.  Filled with rage and anger, he entered the military, giddy over the idea that he would be paid to kill people.  But God proves again that He can "unscramble eggs," and today, Victor is the founder and president of All Things Possible (  (, a ministry to abused youth in our youth prisons, high schools, and foster group homes.  His book is entitled With God, All Things Are Possible (The Victor Marx Story) (2008) (Amazon), and the DVD of his life story is The Victor Marx Story DVD – When Impossible Is The Only Way Out! (2012) (Amazon).  The best way to get a hold of Victor is through the website, at

• YouTube (6/30/2009) "Official" World's Fastest Gun Disarm? Victor Marx.  5.5 million views!  Check out all his other videos too!

• Back on Thursday, June 7th, while Victor was sharing his story, we had a power outage and went off the air for the last half-hour of the show. 

512-523 – Victor Marx

528-539 – Victor Marx

544-554 – Victor Marx

558-608 – Victor Marx

LINER – Last September hundreds of couples in Southern California strengthened and redefined their marriage from the comfort of their own church!  And due to popular demand, KKLA is again partnering with Family Life Today to bring the Art of Marriage to your church February 8th and 9th at absolutely no cost to you. To sign up or for more information visit or call 818-662-3782, that's 818-662-3782.

612-623 – Victor Marx

628-642 – Victor Marx

644-656 – Lori Stevens from Shelton's Free Range Turkeys, no preservatives, flavor enhancers, modified starches, irradiated spices, animal protein or any other artificial ingredients – available and fine stores throughout Southern California.  For the store stocking never-frozen Shelton's products, go to, or call 800-541-1833.  They're operators will take calls tomorrow, Saturday, from 9-Noon, and next M-T-W from 9-5pm. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

400-408 – Bryan Clay, 2008 Olympic Decathlon Gold Medalist and APU alum, invites everyone out to their 2nd Annual Bryan Clay Foundation Fit4Fall 5K Run this Saturday in Glendora (,, @bryanclay) with proceeds going to support their health and wellness programs in the Glendora School District.  Registration starts at 7am.  Bryan and his wife Sarah live in Glendora where they're raising three great kids.  His life story is told in his book Redemption: A Rebellious Spirit, a Praying Mother, and the Unlikely Path to Olympic Gold (2012) (Amazon).  

413-423 – Bryan Clay, Your advice to parents and coaches for raising a life champion beyond sports?  Perseverance is worn down by the harmful idea that there's "one thing" that every person is really great at. We should reward effort, not outcomes or results.

428-438 – Bryan Clay, Common mistakes parents make with their young athletes? 

LINER – Last September hundreds of couples in Southern California strengthened and redefined their marriage from the comfort of their own church!  And due to popular demand, KKLA is again partnering with Family Life Today to bring the Art of Marriage to your church February 8th and 9th at absolutely no cost to you. To sign up or for more information visit or call 818-662-3782, that's 818-662-3782.

443-452 – • Joel Rosenberg (11/15/2012) #IsraelAtWar — Missiles fired at Tel Aviv for 1st time since '91 Gulf War…IDF hits 70 terror sites in past hour….30,000 IDF reservists called up….latest developments.

It is just after midnight on Friday morning here in Israel. To put it bluntly: Thursday was a very difficult day for Israelis in the south and Palestinians living in Gaza. Consider this: the Palestinians have fired nearly 700 rockets, missiles and mortars over the past 36 hours. The Israelis have bombed more than 70 terrorist sites in Gaza in just the past hour. Tonight, the big news here is that the terrorists have fired missiles at Tel Aviv, Israel's biggest and most populated city. Air raid sirens have been going off. People are anxious. This is the first time Tel Aviv has been the target of missile attacks since the Gulf War with Saddam Hussein in 1991. What's more, three Israelis were killed in a direct rocket strike earlier today, and 54 have been wounded. Now the IDF is calling up 30,000 reserve soldiers to prepare for what could be a massive ground invasion.

// Events here are dominating discussions wherever you go. I just had dinner with Israeli friends who kept the TV on for much of the evening to keep track of the latest developments, particularly the nearly unprecedented attacks on Tel Aviv. They know families whose fathers and sons are being called up to prepare for an invasion of Gaza. We're all praying that doesn't have to happen, but Israeli officials are warning this is just the beginning of "Operation Pillar of Defense," not the end. "Difficult days are ahead," said IDF spokesman Brigadier-General Yoav Mordechai. "We must be strong in both defense  and offense. At the end of the day we will be measured by what we have achieved; not by what we said we would achieve." //

• Jerusalem Post (11/15/2012) Gaza terrorists fire two rockets at Tel Aviv.  Over 277 rockets fired into Israel since start of operations.

• Jim Wallis (Sojourners, 11/15/2012) The New Evangelical Agenda.

// While most evangelicals are still "pro-life," abortion is not their only concern. Not all are convinced that Republicans have the best answers to all the life issues. While most evangelicals are strongly committed to strengthening family life, not all think equal rights for gay and lesbian people are a threat to the family. Poverty reduction, immigration reform, a consistent life ethic, the creation care of environmental protection, a less militaristic foreign policy, and a deep commitment to racial and economic justice are all issues of concern.

The ironic and tragic thing about the religious right is how little of their own agenda they have achieved. And by voting for a conservative ideological agenda, they have actually hurt the poor, resisted immigration reform, promoted endless wars, and neglected the environment. 

There is a new evangelical agenda for a new evangelical demographic. 

It's time to change the meaning of the word "evangelical." It's time to tell the media to look at the changing demographics, change its terminology, and take account of all the "evangelicals." And it's time to describe the broader list of "moral" and "biblical" issues that evangelicals care about. This is a new, diverse coalition for a new America — and a changing evangelical demographic is a central part of that. The narrow conservatism of the religious right's white evangelicals is simply not a faith to and for that new evangelical world.

The biggest mistake the religious right made was to make the word "evangelical" a political term. Evangelical is a theological commitment, not a political one. It's about the centrality of Christ and the authority of the Bible. It's following Jesus and our obedience to the Scriptures that leads us to defend the poor, protect the most vulnerable, welcome the stranger, seek racial reconciliation and justice, be good stewards of the environment and peacemakers in a world of war. //

458-508 – Dr. Jim Wilder, clinical psychologist and neurotheologian (Ph.D. Fuller, 1977), author of many books, including the book which has launched a whole church-based counseling movement, The Life Model: Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You – 2000 (Amazon).  Neurotheology is the intersection of brain science and biblical counseling, and the goal of the LIFE model is to train local churches to become centers of self-propagating recovery, producing emotional maturity and spiritual wellness.  Central to it all is learning the importance of joy.  The portal is, click on the "Heard It On The Pastore Show?" banner to access all the stuff mentioned on my show.  Jim and his wife Kitty have five children, and 19 grandkids, and one great-grandchild.

LINER – Download R. C. Sproul's new audio book "The Truth of the Cross" for free by going to, keyword "Truth."

512-523 – Dr. Jim Wilder,

TH 523 – Don Rohde, sales manager at Galpin Ford for the past 40 years – "Go see for yourself why they've been the #1 volume Ford dealer in the world for the past 22 consecutive years!  Call Don's personal cell at (818) 262-2092."  Also offering Mazda, Honda, Volvo, Subaru, and Volkswagen. 

528-539 – Dr. Jim Wilder,  

544-554 – Dr. Jim Wilder,

558-608 – Dr. Jim Wilder

612-623 – Dr. Jim Wilder,

628-639 – Dr. Jim Wilder,

LINER – Last September hundreds of couples in Southern California strengthened and redefined their marriage from the comfort of their own church!  And due to popular demand, KKLA is again partnering with Family Life Today to bring the Art of Marriage to your church February 8th and 9th at absolutely no cost to you. To sign up or for more information visit or call 818-662-3782, that's 818-662-3782.

644-654 – Dr. Jim Wilder,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

400-408 – Heidi Harris, co-host along with Ben Shapiro and Brian Whitman, of the morning show on our sister station AM 870 The Answer.  A native of Las Vegas, former professional singer, HR recruiter, and author of Cocktail Waitress Wisdom: Life lessons learned while carrying a tray in Las Vegas (2010) (Amazon) (  She graduated from Chaparral High School in Vegas in 1980.


413-423 – Heidi Harris,

LINER – Looking for a career change? How would you like to work with us here at KKLA in sales and marketing?  Apply today at, Keyword "Jobs."

428-438 – Heidi Harris,

443-452 – Heidi Harris,

458-508 – Dr. Vinod Shah, is CEO of The International Christian Medical and Dental Association (, grew up as a Jain in southern India, and came to Christ after reading the Sermon on the Mount while at a Jesuit College in Chennai.  

512-523 – Calls – In light of the Petraeus scandal, how many of you have been touched by infidelity?  Either in your marriage or by one of your parents?  What's your advice to the victims, and to the perpetrators?  For the adulterees, did you miss any clues?  What part of the failure do you now "own"?  For the adulterers, did you know when it was that you "crossed the line"?  At the time, did you really think you could "get away with it?"  Do you believe, "once a cheater, always a cheater?"  Should you expose a cheating spouse or fiancé? 

• Truth About Deception, Facts and Statistics About Infidelity.

• Truth About Deception, Is My Husband or Wife Cheating?

LINER – Last September hundreds of couples in Southern California strengthened and redefined their marriage from the comfort of their own church!  And due to popular demand, KKLA is again partnering with Family Life Today to bring the Art of Marriage to your church February 8th and 9th at absolutely no cost to you. To sign up or for more information visit or call 818-662-3782, that's 818-662-3782.

528-539 – Calls –

544-554 – Calls – 

558-608 – Calls – 

612-623 – Calls –

628-639 – Calls –

644-656 – Calls –

LINER – Download R. C. Sproul's new audio book "The Truth of the Cross" for free by going to, keyword "Truth."

Monday, November 12, 2012

400-408 – Father Robert Sirico, president of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (, is out with his latest book Defending the Free Market: The Moral Case for a Free Economy (2012) (Amazon).  Also, see their new website that talks about actually curing global poverty, with distinctions for how to do so domestically and internationally.  The foundation of catholic teaching with regards to the poor, is the principal of subsidiarity, the idea that those who can best help the poor are those who are closest to the poor – this roots in being my brother's keeper and loving the "least of these." 

413-423 – Father Robert Sirico,  

428-438 – Calls – In light of last week, whether "your guy" won or lost, what are you going to do differently as a Christian?  Has our Christian responsibility changed at all – to love the world enough to redeem it?  E.g., how would I do this show if I were in Toronto, or London, where I no longer assume a Christian majority?  If we were to transplant ourselves into a non-Christian culture, what would we do and how would we live in order to win the right to be heard?  What if there were no pro-life, pro-family, "Christian" political parties, what would you do differently?

443-452 – Calls – Shomir, The "theological-political problem" of Plato's Laws.

458-508 – Calls – Brian, 

512-523 – Calls – Brian,

LINER – Last September hundreds of couples in Southern California strengthened and redefined their marriage from the comfort of their own church!  And due to popular demand, KKLA is again partnering with Family Life Today to bring the Art of Marriage to your church February 8th and 9th at absolutely no cost to you. To sign up or for more information visit or call 818-662-3782, that's 818-662-3782.

528-539 – Calls – We ought to be missionaries to America.

544-554 – Calls –

558-608 – Calls –

• 2010 American illegitimacy rates:  overall 41%, white 29%, brown 53%, black 73%.

612-623 – Calls –

628-639 – Calls – Not just life and marriage, it's also economics.

644-656 – Calls –

• Keely Brazil (Washington Times, 11/11/2012) Rising number of states seeing one-party rule.

Divided government still rules in the nation's capital after Tuesday's vote, but unity is increasingly the name of the game in Annapolis, Topeka, Concord, Little Rock and other capital cities.

In a little-noticed footnote to the elections, votes to fill legislative seats produced the highest number of states with one-party rule in 60 years. Democrats or Republicans now have sole control of the governorship and both legislative chambers in 37 state capitals.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, which tracks party representation in the country's 50 state governments, Democrats now control all three bases of power — the governorship and both houses of the state legislature — in 14 states and Republicans in 23, with only 12 states sharing power. Nebraska's unicameral legislature is considered nonpartisan.

// Among the 50 states, Democrats run 14 and Republicans 23, with divided gov in 12.

// Among governorships, Democrats have 20 and Republicans 30.

// Democrats gained seats in 40 chambers overall and obtained veto-proof supermajorities in California and Illinois.

• Dante Atkins (Daily Kos, 11/11/2012) Golden results in the Golden State: Democrats dominate California.

// The "tax revolt" is over. Over a third of a century ago, during Jerry Brown's first stint in the Governor's Mansion, California voters passed Proposition 13. In addition to limiting the growth of property taxes on both residential and commercial property, Proposition 13 dictated that any bill to pass taxes must be approved by a two-thirds vote of both legislative bodies. The passage of Proposition 13 hailed the beginning of the so-called "tax revolt"—a voter rebellion against the fact that property taxes had doubled in a 10-year period as a result of rising property values. But on Tuesday night—with Jerry Brown once again serving as governor—the tax revolt ended. 

// The Bottom Line: Republicans should be terrified. What California looks like now is what the entire United States will look like in the future, and it is a world in which Republicans cannot win. California is done with the conservative ideology of tax revolts, and they are done with Republican politicians at the ballot box. Nov. 6 was a golden day for Democrats in the Golden State.

(3X) Frank Luntz on Fox News. • Erica Ritz (Blaze, 11/10/2012) 'VIEWERS OUGHT TO BE OUTRAGED': FRANK LUNTZ EXPLAINS WHERE POLLSTERS FAILED IN 2012.

(3X, money quote is #3) Bill Kristol • Madeleine Morgenstern (Blaze, 11/11/2012) BILL KRISTOL: 'IT WON'T KILL THE COUNTRY IF WE RAISE TAXES A LITTLE BIT ON MILLIONAIRES'.

// "The leadership of the Republican Party and the leadership of the conservative movement has to pull back, let people float new ideas. Let's have a serious debate," Kristol said. "Don't scream and yell if one person says 'You know what? It won't kill the country if we raise taxes a little bit on millionaires.' It really won't, I don't think."

President Barack Obama made increasing taxes on those making more than $250,000 a year a signature part of his re-election campaign. House Speaker John Boehner said Wednesday that House Republicans would be "willing to accept new revenue, under the right conditions."

"I don't really understand why Republicans don't take Obama's offer to freeze taxes for everyone below $250,000, make it $500,000, make it $1 million," Kristol continued. "Really? The Republican Party is going to fall on its sword to defend a bunch of millionaires, half of whom voted Democratic and half of whom live in Hollywood and are hostile to Republican principles?"

•• Charles C. W. Cook (NRO, 11/11/2012) Why I Despair: The central problem is that America, knowing Obama, gave him a second term.

// Many had hoped that Tuesday would be 1980 revisited. It was not. Instead, in its effects at least, it was more like 1945 in Britain, in which year the Labour party was elected and began to put into place the foundations of a government-owned and -run health-care system that would quickly displace the established church as Britain's national religion. (If you question the believers' zeal, take a look at the frenzied NHS worship at the Olympic opening ceremony.) As Mark Steyn has correctly observed, in Britain as elsewhere, the National Health Service paved the way for a "permanent left-of-center political culture" that obtains regardless of who wins office. Obamacare will now go into effect, and Americans will soon feel entitled to its fruits. Those who doubt that this will have a deleterious effect on American republicanism have clearly never been bribed with their own health care. Almost certainly, Obamacare will fail. And then, as always, it will be replaced by something even further left. For the model, see Obama's record on student loans.

Economic gravity will prevail, as it always does, and it will eventually yield another conservative president. Indeed, the nature of the two-party system all but guarantees it. But this won't do much good in and of itself. The growth of the state is a one-way ratchet, and its size and intrusion are almost never retrenched. Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1788 that "the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground." "A government bureau," added Ronald Reagan, "is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth."

How true these words are. Mrs. Thatcher, fittingly lionized by those on the right, certainly achieved a lot. But she could do nothing about Britain's creaking welfare system or its antediluvian National Health Service. Nobody can. Nobody would even try. (Consider what an Augean task it is even to get people seriously to discuss Medicare's disquieting trajectory.) Mrs. Thatcher's party is well named: They are, quite literally, the "Conservatives," and their role now is simply to run the government better than the socialists. Britain once had an Empire that stretched across one quarter of the globe; it provided the world with a common language, many of its institutions, global trade, and cricket; we did Great Things at home and abroad. Now, we wrangle over whether state spending should be 39 or 40 percent of GDP, and we hold the prime minister personally responsible for hospital conditions hundreds of miles from London. It's debilitating.

// There will be little virtue in America if it becomes a larger version of Britain, but with free speech and the right to bear arms.


Currently, Hispanics are the largest minority group and make up 17 percent of the U.S. population, compared with 12 percent for blacks and 5 percent for Asians. Together minorities now make up more than 36 percent of the population.

Hispanics will make up roughly 30 percent of the U.S. by midcentury, while the African-American share is expected to remain unchanged at 12 percent. Asian-Americans will grow to roughly 8 percent of the U.S.

• George Skelton (LA Times, 11/11/2012) GOP might never again hold power in California. After last week's bludgeoning, Republicans remain too weak to affect the legislative agenda and challenge Gov. Jerry Brown for reelection.

• Joseph Curl (Washington Times, 11/11/2012) CURL: Time for a new Republican Party.

• Mark Steyn (NRO, 11/12/2012) The Edge of the Abyss: The default setting of American society is ever more liberal and statist.

[Concluding paragraph]  So Washington cannot be saved from itself. For the moment, tend to your state, and county, town and school district, and demonstrate the virtues of responsible self-government at the local level. Americans as a whole have joined the rest of the Western world in voting themselves a lifestyle they are not willing to earn. The longer any course correction is postponed the more convulsive it will be. Alas, on Tuesday, the electorate opted to defer it for another four years. I doubt they'll get that long.

• Scott Atlas (NRO, 11/12/2012)  A Pyrrhic Victory for America's Youth.

• Samuel Gregg (NRO, 11/12/2012) Are We All Europeans Now?

• WSJ Editors (11/11/2012) The Hard Fiscal Facts: Individual tax payments are up 26% in the last two years.


• Andrew McCarthy (NRO, 11/10/2012) The Voters Who Stayed Home: They need better choices.

Friday, November 9, 2012

400-408 – Set aside the two obvious moral issues, and you're still left with the economic issues.  Bottom line, why are conservative economic ideas better than liberal economic ideas?  Why is smaller, decentralized government better for citizens of a republic than larger, centralized bureaucratic rule over subjects?  One quick answer is that it is simply less expensive for those who actually pay the taxes to keep it operational.  But, deeper than that, it really comes down to Patrick Henry's "give me liberty, or give me death."  Or, as Dennis Prager says, "The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen."  To me, the big gov vs. limited gov issue comes down to liberty.  And, on Tuesday, I believe individual liberty lost to the collective.

Big government always breeds dependency and entitlement at the price of limiting liberty.  Liberty always comes with the individual responsibility to maintain it.  Liberty is a fragile thing.  

The America of today looks like it won the French Revolution, not the American.  What's so sad is that America had been founded on Christian principles, not the principles of the Left.  But when American schools no longer tell the story of America, why is anyone surprised that each successive generation doesn't appreciate the idea of America?  

Biblical values create wealth and promote human flourishing.  Go against biblical principles and it gets expensive and enslaving.  More specifically, sin is expensive and destroys wealth, and not solely in economic terms.  In our sinful desire to liberate from the constraints of "God's Way" we may believe we're becoming more free, but we're becoming more enslaved to Caesar, Pharaoh, or the Leviathan.  Or as our founders would say, when our reason fails to restrain our passions, we enslave ourselves with the consequences of the choices we've made.  Reality cannot be fooled – detained for a while, but not fooled.  Like the laws of physics, there are also the laws of economics.

For example, fewer marriages and increased illegitimacy leads to weaker families and weaker citizens.  Why? Because as people fail to rely on themselves, they'll rely on government, and Big Government is always there to embrace you in exchange for more of your allegiance and liberty.

But Big Government is expensive and inefficient.  Now that California has a Democrat supermajority in Sacramento, we'll see what the newest Liberal Utopia has in store for us – prosperity, or depression.  One thing I know, reality will not be fooled.

• Frank Pastore (Townhall, 11/09/2012) Washington Is On The Path to Athens.

•• Jonah Goldberg (NRO, 11/09/2012) Becoming European.

•• WSJ Editorial (11/08/2012) California's Liberal Supermajority. Taxpayers are going to get all the government they ever wanted.

•• Peggy Noonan (WSJ, 11/08/2012) Noonan: 'People Are Afraid of Change'. Republicans got complacent. Now it's time to rethink.

• Charles Krauthammer (NRO, 11/09/2012) The Way Forward.

• Matt Lewis (Daily Caller, 11/09/2012) Are Republicans missing the boat with today's post-'culture war' Evangelicals?

• LINER – Dr. R.C. Sproul is offering another audio book download for FREE. The book is titled "The Truth of the Cross".  It surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through his crucifixion.  The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising reminder that the atonement of Christ is essential doctrine of the Christian faith and should be studied and understood by all believers.  To learn more, sign up to download the FREE audio book at, Keyword: Truth. 

413-423 – Calls 

428-438 – Calls

443-452 – Calls

458-508 – Kenny Luck, Founder and President of Everyman Ministries (, YouTube), Men's Pastor at Saddleback, talks about his recent work on university campuses and his new book Sleeping Giant: No Move of God Without Men of God (2012) (Amazon).

• Kenny Luck (11/08/2012) So Your Guy Did Not Win the Election? 

512-523 – Kenny Luck, and Calls – 

528-539 – Kenny Luck, and Calls –

544-554 – Kenny Luck, Go to, and the coupon code "KKLA Free" and get a free small group session on "Leading the Family."

558-608 – Calls – 

LINER – Last September hundreds of couples in Southern California strengthened and redefined their marriage… from the comfort of their OWN church!!  And due to popular demand …. the ART OF MARRIAGE IS BACK!!!!  KKLA has partnered with Family Life Today once again to promote The Art of Marriage taking place the weekend of February 8th and 9th 2013, and we want your CHURCH  to host the event at absolutely no cost to you. To sign up or for more information  visit KKLA dot com or call 818-662-3782 that's 818-662-3782.

612-623 – Calls –

628-639 – Calls –

644-656 – Calls –

• Michael Barone (WSJ, 11/09/2012) Michael Barone: Republicans Find Refuge in the House.  The GOP has now won control of the House in eight of the past 10 elections.

• WSJ (11/08/2012) While Athens Smolders: Greece's creditors are still refusing to countenance a haircut.



Thursday, November 8, 2012

Coming to you live tonight from the Balboa Bay Club in Newport, site of the big Birth Choice Gala, where friends are supporting the great work of the five Birth Choice Health Clinics and Mobile Clinic.  To make your gift, go to

400-408 – Kathleen Eaton, founder-CEO of Birth Choice Health Clinics (for donors, for services, 800-771-5089), with locations in Mission Viejo, Placentia, Long Beach, Orange, Napa, and, the Mobile Clinic that went operational in November 2010.  Every 28 seconds a baby is aborted.  77% of women that receive a free ultrasound from Birth Choice end up keeping their baby!  And so far, 4,300 babies have been saved since they've gone "medical." 

413-423 – Gary Bauer, served eight years in the Reagan Administration as both Under Secretary of Education and as President Reagan's Chief Domestic Policy Advisor, and today, is the President of Our American Values (

428-438 – Keith Cotton, Birth Choice's Mobile Clinic Manager for the past two years this month, in the field 3-days a week, on top of doing 8-12 Health Fairs each years.  They're now at the Delhi community center in Santa Ana from 900-400pm on Tuesdays, Kid Works Community Center in Santa Ana from 10-430pm on Wednesdays, and at the Anaheim Indoor Marketplace in Anaheim from 1130-630pm on Fridays.

LINER – Dr. R.C. Sproul is offering another audio book download for FREE. The book is titled "The Truth of the Cross".  It surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through his crucifixion.  The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising reminder that the atonement of Christ is essential doctrine of the Christian faith and should be studied and understood by all believers.  To learn more, sign up to download the FREE audio book at, Keyword: Truth.

443-452 – Birth Choice client Christina shares her story.

458-508 – • Business Insider (11/08/2012) Surprise! You'll Never Guess Who Was The Most Accurate Pollster This Election Season...

Fordham's political science department has published a list of the most and least accurate pollsters of the 2012 campaign between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

The top and bottom of the list are equally surprising. Two left-leaning Democratic pollsters top the list: Public Policy Polling, which nailed the election prediction if Florida goes for Obama, and the Daily Kos/SEIU/PPP poll, a weekly tracking poll. 

Meanwhile, near the bottom of the list is the poll that we've been tracking for a while now — Gallup. It came in 24th out of 27 polls in the rankings.

Also notable: YouGov and Reuters/Ipsos, which rank an impressive third and fourth in the list, are conducted online.

Here's the full list (polls with an asterisk were more favorable to Obama, and polls without were more favorable to Romney):

1. Public Policy Polling (D)*

1. Daily Kos/SEIU/PPP*

3. YouGov*

4. Ipsos/Reuters*

5. Purple Strategies



6. YouGov/Economist



11. Angus-Reid*

12. ABC/WP*

13. Pew Research*

13. Hartford Courant/UConn*


15. Monmouth/SurveyUSA

15. Politico/GWU/Battleground

15. FOX News

15. Washington Times/JZ Analytics

15. Newsmax/JZ Analytics

15. American Research Group

15. Gravis Marketing

23. Democracy Corps (D)*

24. Rasmussen

24. Gallup

26. NPR

27. National Journal*

28. AP/GfK

• Fox News (11/07/2012) 2012 Fox News Exit Polls.  

My Summary – The electorate was D+3.

We are 72% White (Romney 59/39), 13% Black (Obama 93/6), and 10% Brown (Obama 71/27). 

Women voted more than men 53/47. 

25% self-identify as liberal, 41% as moderate, and 35% as conservative.  38% D, 32% R, 29% I.

78% of us identify as Protestant, Christian or Catholic.  5% as GBLT.  

We are 59/36 pro-choice, 49/46 pro gay marriage, and 65/28 path-to-citizenship for illegals.

52/46 say we're heading in the wrong direction.

55/39 believe our system favors the wealthy and isn't "fair."  

53/38 still blame Bush rather than Obama on the economy.  

We are 51/43 for smaller government, and in favor 49/44 of repealing some or all of Obamacare.  

13% want taxes raised on everybody, 47% want them only raised on those making >$250K.  35% oppose raising taxes on anyone.  

40% of union households voted for Romney.  [So why are their dues going to Obama?]

46% of those receiving government benefits voted for Romney.

And 3% of us decided on the day of the election who we were going to vote for – Obama won by 2.4%.

• Joel Rosenberg (11/07/2012) More than 6 million self-described "evangelicals" voted for Obama. Why & what else do the exit polls tell us about how Christians voted?  

My Summary – 8 million fewer people voted in 2012 (117M) than 2008 (125M).

Obama got 6.6 million fewer votes in 2012 (60,217,329) than in 2008 (66,882,230), and Romney got 1 million fewer (57,486,044) than McCain (58,343,671).  

Obama lost 4% of the Catholic vote that he had in 2008, down to just 50% in 2012.  Romney won 3% more Catholics than McCain, up from 45% to 48%.  

White evangelicals made up the same 26% of the electorate in 2012 as they did in 2008 – no surge.  

5 million fewer evangelicals voted for Obama this time, and 4.7 million more evangelicals voted for Romney than McCain.  But, this means, of the 30 million evangelicals who did vote, 6.4 million of them (or 21%) voted for Obama – and he won by 2.7 million votes.  If just over ⅓ of the evangelical vote for Obama had actually voted biblical values, Obama would have lost the election.  

512-523 – Calls 

TH 523 – Don Rohde, sales manager at Galpin Ford for the past 40 years – "Go see for yourself why they've been the #1 volume Ford dealer in the world for the past 22 consecutive years!  Call Don's personal cell at (818) 262-2092."  Also offering Mazda, Honda, Volvo, Subaru, and Volkswagen.

528-539 – Calls

544-554 – Calls


// Perhaps most revealing of all were questions on issue of voter fraud. Fully 70% of voters believe voter fraud is a problem, and 76% said that voters "should be required to show a government issued photo identification before being allowed to vote on Election Day," with 65% expressing that view strongly. Two-thirds of blacks (66%) and three-quarters of Hispanic voters (74%) agreed, as did 59% of Democrats.

In sum, voters agree with conservatives on the issues.

As Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, said:  "The electorate is closely divided on who our nation's political leadership should be. But there is strong voter support for core conservative values: limited, honest and transparent government; the rule of law approach to illegal immigration; and strong election integrity measures, namely voter ID."

Larry Solov, CEO and President of Breitbart News Network, said of the poll results:  "It appears the Republican Party has failed to convince voters it is a better vehicle for their conservative values and policy preferences. The problem is bigger than the challenge of winning elections. It requires a significant re-branding of the Republican Party for a new era."

As to the substance of that re-branding, it is important to note that even those who depend on federal assistance are potential Republican voters. Of the 23% of voters who reported receiving government benefits, 46% voted for Romney and 51% for Obama--hardly a uniform voting bloc. Writing off those voters is not an option.


• William Bigelow (Breitbart, 11/08/2012) THE WEALTHIEST PREFERRED OBAMA.

You would think that the wealthiest people in the country would have preferred Mitt Romney to Barack Obama, since Obama wants to raise taxes on the richest members of society.

You'd be wrong. According to a analysis of Tuesday's election, eight of the ten richest counties in America voted in favor of Obama – and all of them featured a wider margin of victory for Obama than the national average.

The total number of votes in the ten counties was numbered at 1,337,700, which amounts to 1.1 % of the national average. Even in Nantucket County, Massachusetts, Romney's home state and the wealthiest in the nation, Obama won 63% to 36%. This was despite the fact that Romney held a $75,000 per person fundraiser there just before the Republican National Convention.

Unsurprisingly, the widest margin of victory for Obama came from California's Marin County; he won 74% of the vote against Romney's 23%. The two counties Romney won were in New Jersey: Hunterdon County and Morris County.

• For those whose 2011 income was between $100-200K, Romney won 54/44.  Between $200-250K, Romney won 52/47.  And those $250 and over, Romney won 55/42.

558-608 – Grant Horner, one of the most-popular and eclectic profs up at the Master's College (, where he's Associate Professor of English Renaissance, and he's Chair of Humanities at Trinity Classical Academy (, is also a world-class mountaineer with lots of YouTube videos (High Sierra Climbing) of his one-day sprint-ascents of big peaks like El Capitan in Yosemite in 17 hours, or Mt. Whitney this past January!  He did 10 peaks in 2011, and he's hoping for 12 in 2012.  He's also developed a Bible-reading system now used all over the world by hundreds of thousands of people – just Google "Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System" or click here.  Grant and Joann have been married for 29 years, with two sons and a daughter – Seth 26 (married to Carmen), Josiah 24 (married to Linda from Uganda), and daughter Rachel 18.  His latest book is Meaning at the Movies: Becoming a Discerning Viewer (2010) (Amazon).

612-623 – Grant Horner,

LINER – Last September hundreds of couples in Southern California strengthened and redefined their marriage… from the comfort of their OWN church!!  And due to popular demand …. the ART OF MARRIAGE IS BACK!!!!  KKLA has partnered with Family Life Today once again to promote The Art of Marriage taking place the weekend of February 8th and 9th 2013, and we want your CHURCH  to host the event at absolutely no cost to you. To sign up or for more information  visit KKLA dot com or call 818-662-3782 that's 818-662-3782.

628-639 – Grant Horner,

644-656 – Grant Horner,

• Fox News (11/07/2012) 2012 Fox News Exit Polls.