Tonight is Round Two of the presidential debates at Hofstra University in New York moderated by CNN's Candy Crowley.
400-408 – Bishop Ken Ulmer, senior pastor of Faithful Central Bible Church ( for the past 30 years, is out with his latest Knowing God's Voice: Learn How to Hear God Above the Chaos of Life and Respond Passionately in Faith (Amazon). He and Togetta have been married 35 years, and enjoy three children and five grandchildren.
• Ken was one of our featured speakers at last week's Impact 2012, and he rocked! And they've just launched a new initiative with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles to promote and develop healthy homes and healthy families. We start with returning to some of the things Ken said last week, about Daniel not defiling himself, and the strategic compromises we make in the political sphere, just as Daniel did.
413-423 – Bishop Ken Ulmer, What's at stake in this election?
428-438 – Shawn Thorton & Larry Dewitt, the current senior pastor and the founding senior pastor of Calvary Community Church in Westlake ( Larry founded the church with six families in the back of the Hungry Tiger in 1976, then on to The Warehouse before marching in unison to their current location on Palm Sunday 1999. Larry moved on to start the Cornerstone Network Association ( seven years ago. He and his wife Becky just celebrated their 50th anniversary, they have three children and eight grandkids. Shawn came out from West Virginia four years ago. This coming Saturday night (10/20) at 7pm is the big Dewitt Legacy Celebration in the worship center. Larry's latest book is God's Amazing Normal: The Joy of New Life in Christ (2012) (Amazon).
443-452 – Shawn Thorton & Larry Dewitt,
458-508 – Shawn Thorton & Larry Dewitt,
512-523 – Shawn Thorton & Larry Dewitt,
528-539 – John Eastman, Chairman of the National Organization for Marriage (, Professor of Law at Chapman University School of Law where he was also Dean from 2007 to 2010 before stepping down to pursue a bid for California Attorney General. He is the founding Director of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence at the Claremont Institute. John has participated in over 60 cases before the SCOTUS, and written more than three dozen book chapters and scholarly articles. He earned his J.D. at the University of Chicago, and his Ph.D. in Government from Claremont Graduate School. The New York Times refers to John as a conservative "Titan of Constitutional Law."
• John was a featured speaker at Sunday night's Townhall for KRLA.
544-554 – John Eastman, What's are the most important things at stake in this election? But it's not merely the individual Barack Obama who's responsible for both the domestic and foreign policies of this Administration, it's the entire mindset of the modern Democratic Party.
558-608 – Was Obama briefed by the his national security team about Libya? If not, why not? Biden says they weren't. Hillary has been asked to fall on her sword, and both she and Susan Rice are still blaming the intelligence.
(1:20) • Breitbart (10/16/2012) OBAMA AFTER UNDERWEAR BOMBER: 'BUCK STOPS WITH ME'.
In January 2010, President Obama addressed the nation with an update on the security review of the attempted terrorist attack and outlined the reforms and corrective actions he ordered. The President said, "I have repeatedly made it clear -- in public with the American people, and in private with my national security team -- that I will hold my staff, our agencies and the people in them accountable when they fail to perform their responsibilities at the highest levels ... Moreover, I am less interested in passing out blame than I am in learning from and correcting these mistakes to make us safer. For ultimately, the buck stops with me. As President, I have a solemn responsibility to protect our nation and our people. And when the system fails, it is my responsibility."
(7X) Sec State Hilary Clinton with Wendell Goler. • Fox News (10/16/2012) Clinton takes responsibility for consulate security, blames confusion on 'fog of war'.
612-623 – (10X) Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) this morning on Fox. (link)
• Washington Post (10/15/2012) U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice at center of storm over comments on attack in Benghazi.
// In an interview Monday with The Washington Post, Rice said she relied on daily updates from intelligence agencies in the days before her television appearances and on a set of talking points prepared for senior members of the administration by intelligence officials. She said there was no attempt to pick and choose among possible explanations for the attack.
"Absolutely not," Rice said. "It was purely a function of what was provided to us" and had been given to Congress the day before.
Administration officials have risen to her defense. On Monday, Clinton said she wanted to "avoid some kind of political gotcha."
"I take responsibility" for what happened on Sept. 11, Clinton told CNN in an interview shortly after arriving in Lima, the capital of Peru, for a visit.
Republicans have dismissed suggestions that they are playing politics. And Rice's explanation of her remarks, which echoes that of other administration officials, including Vice President Biden, has not blunted the criticism.
"The facts are there was never a riot," Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday on "Face the Nation."
"My belief is that that was known by the administration within 24 hours and, quite frankly, Susan Rice, on your show on September 16th, the president on the 18th and the 25th, kept talking about an attack inspired by a video."
628-639 – • Katie Pavlich (Townhall, 10/16/2012) Susan Rice: No, My Comments About the Video Weren't Influenced by Obama Campaign.
Rice's comments come just days after State Department officials testified before Congress about the lack of security in Libya leading up to the attack on 9/11. State Department official Charlene Lamb said under oath the attack was watched in real time, putting a dent in Rice's argument and the overall argument put out by the Obama administration that "the facts changed."
• Fox News (10/16/2012) Rice blames intel talking points for faulty Libya story; lawmakers raise new questions.
(6X) Charles Krauthammer, Stephen Hayes, and Kirsten Powers today on Fox. There's two stories, the lack of security story, and the cover-up story.
644-656 – Audio Greatest Hits
• Rachel Held Evans, A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband "Master" [Paperback] (2012) (Amazon).
• Brian LePort (10/12/2012) Book Review.