
Thursday, September 20, 2012

400-408 – Rabbi Stuart Dauermann, Senior Scholar at the Messianic Jewish Theological Institute (, Rabbi Emeritus of Ahavat Zion Messianic Synagogue, and leader of the Interfaith Center of Beverly Hills (, joins us to explain the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, and how it relates to the new covenant in Yeshua.  Yom Kippur this year is from Tuesday evening (Sept 25) and ends on Wednesday evening (Sept 26).

413-423 – Rabbi Stuart Dauermann,

• LINER – Join us this Saturday September 22nd at the Crowne Plaza in Garden Grove for our next free Financial Restoration Seminar, featuring experts with real solutions for your very real financial problems.  Come out early and enjoy a free light-breakfast on us!  Door prizes include a 2-night hotel stay and restaurant gift cards!  Register for this free conference at, keyword "financial."  Topics may include:  Avoid Losing Your Home, Loan Modifications, The Benefits of a Short Sale vs. Foreclosure, Debt Consolidation vs. Bankruptcy, Rebuilding Credit and Gaining Insights on How to Keep you Family at Peace While Dealing with Financial Pressure.

428-441 – •• (1:26) • Breitbart (9/14/2012) OBAMA FLASHBACK: THE DAY I'M INAUGURATED MUSLIM HOSTILITY WILL EASE.  Then-Senator Barack Obama makes the case for an Obama Presidency on November 21, 2007 by saying he is uniquely qualified to bring stability to America's relationships in the Muslim world because he lived in an Islamic country during his youth and his half-sister is Muslim.


443-452 – Richard Kennedy invites everyone to our Financial Restoration Seminar this Saturday.

458-508 – Mark Phillips, Chairman of the Department of Theology and Science at Trinity Classical Academy ( and former professional stand-up comedian whose career was launched when he won a national Steve Martin impersonation contest back in 1979, and even appeared on The Tonight Show with Steve.  The Trinity students love Mark because he brings his humor into the classroom and makes learning "fun!"  H/T to Grant Horner for introducing me to Mark.

512-523 – Mark Phillips,

LINER – Hey Couples, listen up!  How's your marriage?  What would he say?  What would she say?  You guys need an uplifting course to bring the spark back to what it used to be?  Then sign up to attend an Art of Marriage Weekend at a location near you for this month only!  This 2-day event offers a fresh and unique approach that will help you build that God-honoring marriage you desire!  For more info and to find locations near you, go to, keyword "marriage."

TH 523 – Don Rohde, sales manager at Galpin Ford for the past 40 years – "Call Don's cell and see for yourself why they've been the #1 volume Ford dealer in the world for the past 22 years at (818) 262-2092."

528-539 – Stanley Kurtz, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (, contributing editor at National Review Online, and best-selling author of his latest book Spreading The Wealth: How Obama is Robbing The Suburbs to Pay for the Cities (2012) (Amazon).

(:27) Obama on Letterman Tuesday night doesn't know the size of the deficit.

When David Letterman asked Obama about the national debt, Obama answered that the debt was the result of wars, tax cuts and a new Medicare prescription drug benefit passed during the George W. Bush administration, along with "emergency measures" passed during his first year in office to save the auto industry and "get the financial system back on track."

"Do you remember what that number was? Was it $10 trillion?" Letterman asked.

"No, I don't remember what that number was precisely," Obama answered.

"But see now, if this is me and I got the credit card guy calling me every day, I start to get scared. As Americans, shouldn't we be scared that we owe that kind of money? Who do we owe that money to?" Letterman responded.

Obama answered that most of the debt is owed to Americans themselves and it is not a problem in the short term because of low interest rates.

// The national debt was about $10.6 trillion when Obama took office. It recently surpassed $16 trillion

(:32) Obama, we can't change Washington from the inside, you can only change it from the outside."

(3X) Romney, "He can only change it from outside? Well, we're going to give him a chance in November. He's going outside!'

• Daily Mail (9/20/2012) 'The candidate of Yes We Can has become the President of No I Can't': Romney says if Obama can't change Washington from the inside then 'he's going outside!'

544-554 – Stanley Kurtz, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (, contributing editor at National Review Online, and best-selling author of his latest book Spreading The Wealth: How Obama is Robbing The Suburbs to Pay for the Cities (2012) (Amazon).  Why is Prop 31 exactly what you predicted in your book?

• Fox News (9/19/2012) Tax penalty to hit nearly 6M uninsured people, under ObamaCare.

// Obama pledged not to raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 a year and couples making less than $250,000.  And the budget office analysis found that nearly 80 percent of those who'll face the penalty would be making up to or less than five times the federal poverty level. Currently that would work out to $55,850 or less for an individual and $115,250 or less for a family of four.  Average penalty: about $1,200 in 2016.

• LINER – Pastors, join us for our half-day annual pastors conference, Impact 2012, from 830-1230, on Thursday October 11th at APU!  Come hear how other pastors have increased the impact of their church's ministries, and glean from the experience of pastors Rick Warren, Ken Ulmer, Robert Jeffress, Jeff Vines, Steve Wilburn, Sean Thornton, and Scott Daniels.  Pre-register now for this "free lunch," at, keyword "Impact."

558-608 – Stanley Kurtz,

• Stanley Kurtz (NRO, 8/1/2012) Burn Down the Suburbs?  Just as wealthy states are expected to fund poor states, and those who pay federal taxes are expected to fund the unemployed, so too the suburbs are expected to fund our urban centers – in the mind of Progressives.  This socialist redistributive scheme goes by many names, among them "regional equity movement" or "regional tax-based sharing," "Building One America," and the "Sustainable Communities Initiative."  It's up and running in Minneapolis-St.Paul, and the suburbs hate it, but they can't end it because Progressives are the political majority.  The best words to describe it are tyranny and theft.  And it's on the ballot in California as Prop 31.

• LINER – Join us this Saturday September 22nd at the Crowne Plaza in Garden Grove for our next free Financial Restoration Seminar, featuring experts with real solutions for your very real financial problems.  Come out early and enjoy a free light-breakfast on us!  Door prizes include a 2-night hotel stay and restaurant gift cards!  Register for this free conference at, keyword "financial."  Topics may include:  Avoid Losing Your Home, Loan Modifications, The Benefits of a Short Sale vs. Foreclosure, Debt Consolidation vs. Bankruptcy, Rebuilding Credit and Gaining Insights on How to Keep you Family at Peace While Dealing with Financial Pressure.

612-623 – Stanley KurtzHow will Prop 31 work?

• Stanley Kurtz (NRO Online, 9/10/2012) California's Prop. 31: The Revolution Will Not Be Publicized.

628-639 – David Murrow, award-winning writer; television producer of over 800 commercials, 100 TV specials (mostly in Alaska), and dozens of political commercials going back to the 1980's; and director of Church For Men (, an organization he founded in 2005, to help congregations reconnect with men and boys.  His first book Why Men Hate Going to Church (2005) was an instant classic – and it's been recently revised – and his follow-upThe Map: The Way of All Great Men (2010) starts out like a Jason Bourne thriller as it shares the story of the three journeys of The Map – the journeys of submission (lamb), strength (lion), and sacrifice (lamb) (, and, in that order, mirroring Matthew 1-7, 8-25, and 26-28.  Sandwiched between was his How Women Help Men Find God (2008).  His latest releases October 1st, entitled What Your Husband Isn't Telling You: A Guided Tour of a Man's Body, Soul, and Spirit (2012) (Amazon).  David and Gina have three children and two grandsons, all in Alaska.

• David says the gender gap in Christianity is not only across all age groups, but even global.  Other religions don't have a problem getting and keeping men involved.  Christianity is "an army of women led by a few male generals."  David started Church for Men to change that.  Jesus may be the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God, but why do most churches just hammer lamb, lamb, lamb?  Why do so many of our worship songs sound like they were written by a teenage girl for her upperclass boyfriend?

• LINER – Pastors, join us for our half-day annual pastors conference, Impact 2012, from 830-1230, on Thursday October 11th at APU!  Come hear how other pastors have increased the impact of their church's ministries, and glean from the experience of pastors Rick Warren, Ken Ulmer, Robert Jeffress, Jeff Vines, Steve Wilburn, Sean Thornton, and Scott Daniels.  Pre-register now for this "free lunch," at, keyword "Impact."

644-656 – David Murrow.  Why are you down here?

• (4X) • Fox News (9/19/2012) Fact-checking Obama's back-story.

(2X) Brett Baier and Steve Hayes on Fox today.

• Fox News (9/20/2012) 10-part report raises questions about narrative of Obama's early life.

• Washington Examiner (9/20/2012) The Obama You Don't Know (Ten Part Series).  #1 A childhood of privilege, not hardship.  #2 The myth of the 'rock-star professor'.  #3 The 1997 speech that launched Obama.  #4 For the slumlord's defense, Barack Obama, Esq.  #5 Obama's toughest critics on the Left.  #6 The poor people Obama left behind.  #7 The myth of Obama as state Senate reformer.  #8 Obama's state pension scheme.  #9 The Arab-American network behind Obama.  #10 Obama brings Chicago politics to Washington.


• Fox News (9/20/2012) Republicans want more heads to roll over 'Furious,' claim IG report contradicts Holder testimony.

• Fox News (9/20/2012) Al Qaeda, ex-Gitmo detainee involved in consulate attack, intelligence sources say.

• Politico (9/20/2012) Obama pressed on failures at Univision forum.