
Monday, June 8, 2009

400-408David Geisler, is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and has been active in college ministry for the past 15 years, his new book is entitled Conversational Evangelism: How To Listen And Speak So You May Be Heard (  He'll be speaking on conversational evangelism and answering questions afterwards this Wednesday night from 7-9 at Saddleback in Irvine (  It's free and open to the public.
413-423David Geisler
428-437Jerry Rankin, was a missionary in Asia for 23 years before accepting the leadership of the International Mission Board (, where he's been president for the past 16 years.  He oversees 5,000 missionaries in 194 countries.  His latest book is Spiritual Warfare: The Battle For God's Glory.
443-452Jerry Rankin
458-508Kenny Luck, founder and President of Everyman Ministries ( and Men's Pastor at Saddleback (  His latest is Fight: Are You Willing To Pick A Fight With Evil?
512-523Kenny Luck.
528-538Jerry Bowyer, economist, nationally-syndicated columnist, and CNBC contributor (, on the news of the day. 
544-554Jerry Bowyer
558-608Steve Milloy, founder and publisher of, and a co-founder and portfolio manager of the Free Enterprise Action Fund ( – the first conservative-libertarian mutual fund.  His latest is entitled Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Ruin Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them. 
612-623 Steve Milloy
628-638 – • Fox News (6/8/09) Kids Play 36-Hour, 101-Inning Baseball Game.  Your funniest, most memorable youth sports story?
• FRC (6/8/09) FRC Comments on Supreme Court's Rejection of Challenge to Military's Homosexual Ban.

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