
Monday, December 1, 2008

400-408Tommy Ice, the Executive Director of the Pre-Trib Research Center ( on the campus of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, founded back in 1994 by Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice to "research, teach, proclaim, and defend pre-tribulationism."  Ice says the early church was premill until the appearance of Augustine's City of God about 400AD which advanced an amill view that dominated church teaching for 1,200 years.  The Catholic Church is still amill.  Postmill was a spin-off of amill that began around 1700, and premill resurfaced about 1800.
• The information below is summarized from "Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine" by Wayne House (1992).
Dispensational Premillennialism:  the Rapture (He will come for his church) and the Second Coming (He will come with His church) are distinct events separated by a 7-year Tribulation.  The Church is not spiritual Israel, the nation of Israel itself will fulfill prophecies concerning Israel.  Christ will reign on Earth for a literal 1,000 years.  Global "conditions" will continue to decline.  Proponents:  J. N. Darby, C. I. Scofield, L. S. Chafer, John Walvoord, Charles Feinberg, Charles Ryrie.
Historic Premillennialism:  the Rapture and the Second Coming are the same event.  The Church is spiritual Israel, and will fulfill some of the prophecies concerning Israel.   Believers will be resurrected at the beginning of the Millennium, and unbelievers at the end.  The Church will go through the Tribulation, hence it is posttrib.  The Millennium may not be a literal 1,000 years.  Proponents:  George E. Ladd, Millard Erickson.
Postmillennialism:  The Church is the New Israel.  The Church will one day Christianize the whole world, and this will lead to a 1,000 year period of peace and prosperity called the Millennium.  At the end of the Millennium, Christ will return.  Global "conditions" will continue to improve.  There will be one general resurrection of all people, believers and unbelievers at the Second Coming.  Proponents:, Loraine Boettner, Augustus Hodge, Charles Hodge, W.G.T. Shedd, A. H. Strong, B. B. Warfield, James Snowden, Christian Reconstructionists.
Amillennialism:  The Church is the New Israel.  Israel and the Church are not two distinct programs, but one unified outworking of God's purposes and plans in a "covenant of grace."  There are no prophecies to be fulfilled in the nation of Israel.  There is no future millennial kingdom only the eternal state, God's kingdom has always been and will always be.  The Kingdom is now present in the Church Age, as is Tribulation.  There will be one general resurrection of all people, believers and unbelievers at the Second Coming.  Proponents: Augustine, Louis Berkhof, Abraham Kuyper, Leon Morris, Anthony Hoekema, Gary Demar, Ken Gentry, RC Sproul, most Reformed theologians, and the Roman Catholic Church.
Pretribulation:  "Christ will come for His saints at the Rapture (John 14:1-14; 1 Cor. 15:51-58; 1 Thess. 4:13-18), and then with His saints at the Revelation (Zech. 14; Matt. 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-27; and Rev. 19)."  His return is imminent (Titus 2:13), with no advance warnings (Acts 20:29-30; 2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 4:1-3).  Christians are exempt from divine wrath (1 Thess. 1:10, Rev. 3:10).  There will be a literal Tribulation (Revelation 6-19), and the church will not go through it since it is not mentioned.  The "Restrainer" of 2 Thess. 2:1-12 is the Holy Spirit, and He must remove the Church before the Tribulation begins.  Living, non-glorified believers will enter and then repopulate the millennial kingdom (Zech. 12:10-13, Rom. 11:26).  Proponents:  John F. Walvoord, J. Dwight Pentecost, John and Paul Feinberg, Charles Ryrie, Leon Wood, Hal Lindsey.
Midtribulation:  The Rapture occurs in the middle of the Tribulation prior to the Great Tribulation.  Emphasis is upon the midpoint of 3 1/2 years (42 months, 1,260 days) from Dan. 7, 9:27, 12:7; Rev. 11:23, 12:3, 6, 14).  2 Thess. 2:14 refers to preceding signs of the Rapture.  Rev. 11:15-19 mentions the seventh trumpet, which is identical to the trumpet of 1 Thess. 4:16.  The Olivet Discourse of Matt. 24-25 coincides with the Rapture passage of 1 Thess. 4:15.   Proponents:  Gleason Archer, J. Oliver Buswell, Merrill Tenney.
Posttribulation:  The Rapture will occur after the Tribulation at the Second Coming.  Proponents:  Douglas Moo, Robert Gundry.
413-423Tommy Ice, the Executive Director of the Pre-Trib Research Center ( on the campus of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, founded back in 1994 by Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice to "research, teach, proclaim, and defend pre-tribulationism."
428-437Prophecy Calls
443-452Prophecy Calls
458-508Hugh Ross, founder and president of Reasons to Believe (, an international, interdenominational ministry established to communicate the factual basis for belief in the Bible as the error-free Word of God.  Hugh's latest book is Why The Universe is the Way It Is.
512-523Hugh Ross
Efficient causes replaced final causes, How? replaced Why?  Aristotle noted four types of causation that may be best understood in the context of a saddle being made.  The material cause is the leather, the formal cause is the kind of saddle envisioned by the craftsman, the efficient cause is the craftsman, and the final cause is the fact that he wants to make money by selling saddles.  With all of reality reduced to a determined machine, there was no room for either formal causes or final causes.  Thus, the search for "why" something was done, was replaced with just "how" it was done.  The "why" was considered irrational, totally subjective and arbitrary, only "how" was intellectually acceptable.  Yet, not even an infinite knowledge of "how?" will ever begin to address "why?"
528-538Hugh Ross
544 – Hey gang, if you haven't gotten your tickets yet for our KKLA Night at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater in Tustin, you'd better hurry!  There're only 55 seats left!   Now's your chance to reserve one of the last seats to see "It's A Wonderful Life" with Gina and me this coming Saturday, December 6th.  If you call right now, they'll even throw in a Free Show ticket to a future performance.  Call the Curtain Call box office now (714) 838-1540.
544-554Hugh Ross
558-608 – • Fox News (12/01/08) Five Mumbai Terrorists May Have Escaped Capture.
• AP (12/01/08) Students lie, cheat, steal, but say they're good.  The Josephson Institute surveyed 29,760 high school students at 100 randomly selected high schools nationwide and found:
• 35% of high school boys, and 26% of high school girls, admit to stealing from a store in the past year.
• 26% of boys, and 14% of girls, admit to stealing from a friend in the past year.
• 49% of boys, and 36% of girls, admit to lying to save money in the past year.
• 83% had lied to a parent about something significant in the past year.
• 64% say they had cheated on a test in the past year.
• 36% say they had used the Internet to plagiarize an assignment in the past year.
•• Yet, 93% say they are satisfied with their personal ethics and character.
•• And, 77% say "when it comes to doing what is right, I am better than most people I know."
612 – Hey gang, if you haven't gotten your tickets yet for our KKLA Night at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater in Tustin, you'd better hurry!  There're only 55 seats left!   Now's your chance to reserve one of the last seats to see "It's A Wonderful Life" with Gina and me this coming Saturday, December 6th.  If you call right now, they'll even throw in a Free Show ticket to a future performance.  Call the Curtain Call box office now (714) 838-1540.
612-623How bad is it in your classroom?
628-638How bad is it in your classroom?
644-655 – • Louis V. Gerstner Jr. (12/01/08) Lessons From 40 Years of Education 'Reform': Let's abolish local school districts and finally adopt national standards.  Mr. Gerstner, a former CEO of IBM, was chairman of the Teaching Commission (2003-2006), which reported on ways to improve the quality of public school teaching.  His five core recommendations:
1)  Abolish all local school districts, save 70 (50 states; 20 largest cities). Some states may choose to leave some of the rest as community service organizations, but they would have no direct involvement in the critical task of establishing standards, selecting teachers, and developing curricula.
2) Establish a set of national standards for a core curriculum. I would suggest we start with four subjects: reading, math, science and social studies.
3) Establish a National Skills Day on which every third, sixth, ninth and 12th-grader would be tested against the national standards. Results would be published nationwide for every school in America.
4) Establish national standards for teacher certification and require regular re-evaluations of teacher skills. Increase teacher compensation to permit the best teachers (as measured by advances in student learning) to earn well in excess of $100,000 per year, and allow school leaders to remove underperforming teachers.
5) Extend the school day and the school year to effectively add 20 more days of schooling for all K-12 students.
• L. Gordon Crovitz (12/01/08) Let's Move Intelligence Out of the 1970s.
701 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 550
Glendale, CA 91203
Office (818) 956-5552 
Frank's Assistant Nate Hanson