
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today we're partnering with Food for the Poor to meet the emergency food crisis now in Haiti.
(866) 433-4673 or online at
• Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere;  9M living in a country the size of Maryland that has 5.6M.  80% of the population survives on less than $2.00 per day.  70% unemployment.  Life expectancy is just 55.  38,000 children die every year due to malnutrition.
• Recently devastated by four hurricanes, so all the roads are washed out, only accessible by boat.
• FFTP has been ministering in Haiti since 1985, and they are feeding 60,000 families in Haiti every day.
• FFTP has the food, they just need to get it from "ports to people" and from "bags to bellies."
• Feed a Family of 4 for 40-cents a day (a nickel, a dime, a quarter)! Just $12 a month, just $144 for an entire year.
• $720 feeds 5 families for a year, $1,440 will feed 10 families for a year!