
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

400-408Gary Bauer, founder of and former president of the Family Research Council.
(1:28) Q1, Viveca Novak of with CNN's Randi Kaye.
KAYE: But what about Sarah Palin's records? On the campaign trail, she keeps hammering home one point: "I told Congress, thanks, but no thanks, to that infamous bridge to nowhere."  But that's not true. Congress has already killed that project.
NOVAK: She never said, "No thanks, Congress."
KAYE: Opposing the bridge plays into a bigger theme of the McCain campaign, that Sarah Palin is the perfect crusader to help McCain rid Washington of its addiction to earmarks and wasteful pork barrel spending.  This is what McCain said on "The View."
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, "THE VIEW")  MCCAIN: First of all, earmark spending, which she vetoed a half-a-billion dollars worth in the state of Alaska.  BARBARA WALTERS, CO-HOST: She also took some earmark spending.  MCCAIN: No, not as governor, she didn't. She vetoed...(END VIDEO CLIP)
KAYE: The truth? Governor Palin has cut Alaska's earmark requests in half. But, this year alone, the state asked for $197 million.
NOVAK: She says that she vetoed a lot of legislation that would have called for earmarks, but that doesn't get rid of the fact that she actually did ask for earmarks for the state of Alaska.
KAYE: On energy policy, Palin said, Alaska provides 20 percent of the energy produced in the U.S. Is that true? Nope. The U.S. Energy Information Administration says it's 3.5 percent.
NOVAK: It's big deal because Sarah Palin and John McCain have been claiming that Palin is an expert on energy in the United States, because Alaska has a good bit of oil. But the figures she's citing are simply wrong.
413-423Gary Bauer
(:30) Gianna Jesson, an abortion survivor, scolds Obama in this new commercial by
428-437Jay Richards, author of The Untamed God, and The Privileged Planet, and the forthcoming The Christian Case for Capitalism, is with the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (, and executive producer of two documentaries, last year's The Call of the Entrepreneur and this year's The Birth of Freedom. 
• Sojourners, 2008 "Voting All Your Values" Christian Voter's Guide.  Guess what items they want you to focus on instead of abortion and same-sex marriage?  From their website, "What issues are included in the 2008 guide?  1) Compassion and economic justice, 2) Peace and restraint of violence, 3) A consistent ethic of life, 4) Racial justice, 5) Human rights, dignity, and gender justice, 6) Strengthened families and renewed culture, and 7) Good stewardship of God's creation."
Let me translate:  1) "Compassion and economic justice" = Higher taxes, more wealth redistribution, and more socialism.  2) "Peace and restraint of violence" = surrendering in Iraq and Afghanistan, and general passivity in the face of evil, 3) "A consistent ethic of life" = opposition to the death penalty and waterboarding, but tolerance for abortion, 4) "Racial justice" = slavery reparations, quotas, and affirmative action, 5) "Human rights, dignity, and gender justice" = same sex marriage, homosexual curricula in schools, and opposition to DOMA and a Federal Marriage Amendment, 6) "Strengthened families and renewed culture" = a redefinition of "family" to include all combinations, and contempt for the American founding, and 7) "Good stewardship of God's creation" = embracing all global warming hysteria."
443-452Jay Richards,
Their silence since Saddleback has been deafening.  The religious left, with prodding from other Obama supporters, have tried to broadened the definition of "pro-life" beyond the abortion question so that it now includes the fights against poverty, war, disease, global warming and genocide.  Their new spin is "Obama is pro-life on 5 out of 6 issues, while McCain is pro-life on just one.  So who's really pro-life?"
458-508 – • Breitbart, Streisand sings for Obama supper.
(1:48) Matt Damon, says Sarah Palin scares him, like a really bad Disney movie, it's totally absurd, does she really believe dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago, I really want to know because she's going to have the nuclear codes… did she ban books?
(:33) Chevy Chase, on "Morning Joe Monday" with Willie Geist, said 'I Want Her [SNL's Tina Fey] to Decimate This Woman [Palin]'.  Chase and his wife Jayni were plugging a charity auction to fund environmental education in schools.
WILLIE GEIST: You were there, Saturday night, your old stomping ground. What did you make of Tina Fey?
CHEVY CHASE: Well, I thought, I mean, it's extraordinary how well she played her and how much she looked like her. I'd just like her to be—personally I felt we didn't need the Hillary stuff. I'd like her to go even harder. I want her to decimate this woman.  This is a, this woman is, I mean I can't believe isn't more about her.  All the media have and the press have been going "oh, she's a wonderful, oh God, her speech was great."  Just unbelievable to me that this woman is running for vice-president.
512-523What's your reaction when the Hollywood Left weighs in politically?
528-539Pastor Francis Chan of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley (, on Friday's tragic Metrolink train crash in Chatsworth.  Francis's latest book is Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God. (
544-554What's your reaction when the Hollywood Left weighs in politically?
(:40) Tom Brokaw this past Sunday on Meet The Press to Rudy Giuliani: "Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor."  BROKAW:  "Senator Obama, who had an Ivy league education and could've gone to Wall Street, went back to Chicago, on the South Side. As you know, his supporters have defended him for working with poor families, many of whom lost their jobs when the Gary steel mills closed. In that mocking fashion, it seemed to a lot of people that you were belittling the role of a community organizer, and it led to this button -- it was addressed to Senator Palin, because she also talked about it -- "Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor." In retrospect, do you think you had too much sport with his role as community organizer, Mr. Mayor?"
(1:28) Q1, Viveca Novak of with CNN's Randi Kaye.
KAYE: But what about Sarah Palin's records? On the campaign trail, she keeps hammering home one point: "I told Congress, thanks, but no thanks, to that infamous bridge to nowhere."  But that's not true. Congress has already killed that project.
NOVAK: She never said, "No thanks, Congress."
KAYE: Opposing the bridge plays into a bigger theme of the McCain campaign, that Sarah Palin is the perfect crusader to help McCain rid Washington of its addiction to earmarks and wasteful pork barrel spending.  This is what McCain said on "The View."
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, "THE VIEW")  MCCAIN: First of all, earmark spending, which she vetoed a half-a-billion dollars worth in the state of Alaska.  BARBARA WALTERS, CO-HOST: She also took some earmark spending.  MCCAIN: No, not as governor, she didn't. She vetoed...(END VIDEO CLIP)
KAYE: The truth? Governor Palin has cut Alaska's earmark requests in half. But, this year alone, the state asked for $197 million.
NOVAK: She says that she vetoed a lot of legislation that would have called for earmarks, but that doesn't get rid of the fact that she actually did ask for earmarks for the state of Alaska.
KAYE: On energy policy, Palin said, Alaska provides 20 percent of the energy produced in the U.S. Is that true? Nope. The U.S. Energy Information Administration says it's 3.5 percent.
NOVAK: It's big deal because Sarah Palin and John McCain have been claiming that Palin is an expert on energy in the United States, because Alaska has a good bit of oil. But the figures she's citing are simply wrong.
608 – [1:30] "Your Independent, Unbiased, Advisors: The Money Guys" Robert Micone/Bill O'Connor at Applied Financial, 866-SEEK-COUNSEL, and online at
612-623(:45) Q2, McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds with CNN's Randi Kaye.
KAYE: And what about Palin's international credentials, the extent of her travels abroad?
BOUNDS: The Alaska National Guard has confirmed, just like we had confirmed at the campaign, that she has traveled abroad. She went to Kuwait. She entered Iraq. She underwent and presided over a ceremony. So, here we are, trying to bat down something that was completely true, 100 percent accurate.
KAYE: Apparently not. We checked with the Army National Guard. And they told us they are 100 percent sure Palin never made it past the Iraq-Kuwait checkpoint, that she never entered Iraq. And her trip to Ireland, originally billed by the campaign as a visit to a foreign country, campaign spokeswoman Maria Comella says, it was a refueling stop.
(:19) Q3, Clip from the View played on Anderson Cooper's CNN show last night.
WALTERS: What is she going to reform specifically, Senator?
MCCAIN: Well, first of all, earmark spending, which she vetoed a half-a-billion dollars worth in the state of Alaska.
WALTERS: She also took some earmark spending.
MCCAIN: No, not as governor, she didn't.
COOPER: John McCain claiming Sarah Palin didn't ask for earmarks as governor, which is simply not true.
(:46) Q4, David Gergen on Anderson Cooper's CNN show last night.
Let's talk strategy now, as well as truth and consequences with CNN's Candy Crowley, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen, and "TIME" magazine's Mark Halperin.  David, does -- I mean, have -- has the McCain -- we're going to talk a lot about the Obama campaign and their claims tomorrow night, but, I mean, has the McCain campaign gone too far stretching the truth?
DAVID GERGEN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Yes.  And what they have been doing, Anderson -- all campaigns stretch the truth to some degree, but I think Karl Rove was right. This has gone well beyond the normal bounds. And it's like waving a red flag in front of the press. And what you now see are journalists getting angry. And, so, Senator McCain claims that she didn't ask for any earmarks as governor of Alaska. Well, "The Wall Street Journal" has a big piece today -- "The Wall Street Journal" has a big piece today saying over $400 million in requests for earmarks from Governor Palin.
644-655Are we headed towards a "race war?"  Are we in one already?
• Fatimah Ali, 'Race war' in America.
• Reuters (9/16/08), City uses DNA to fight dog poop.