
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

400-408Bill Maier, vice president of Focus on the Family (, and host of Weekend Magazine, on the epidemic of porn use by teenagers.  Teens can get porn right on their cell phones and many teenage girls are posting their nude photos on their myspace page or sending them to their boyfriends on their cell phones.  Dr. Maier is filling in for Frank this Thursday and Friday and again next week as Frank takes his show to Focus on the Family.
• Internet Filter Review, Internet Pornography Statistics.
413-423Michael Barone, The "smartest guy in the room" on American Politics, senior writer for U.S. News and World Report, regular contributor to Fox News, blogger at (, author of The Almanac of American Politics, out every other year, and author of his latest Our First Revolution: The Remarkable British Upheaval that Inspired America's Founding Fathers, on the big issues within the presidential race.
428-437Dinesh D'Souza, (, former White House Policy Analyst now at the Hoover Institute at Stanford and author of What's So Great About Christianity, talks about religion and the presidential race.  Dinesh will be speaking at Frank's church Calvary Chapel of the Chino Valley ( this Sunday at all the morning services at 8am, 9:45am and 11:30am.
443-452Jed Babbin, former undersecretary of Defense and Air Force JAG officer, is now the editor of Human Events (, and author of In The Words of Our Enemies, on John Bolton's prediction that Israel will attack Iran before our new president is sworn in.
• Jed Babbin (6/23), How to Buy the Tanker.
458-508Joe Dallas, (, came out of the gay lifestyle and is now the founder of Genesis Counseling, a ministry to those trapped in sexual addiction and homosexuality, and author of The Gay Gospel: How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible, on how the pro-choice Democrats are trying to attract the Christian vote and how liberals keep misreading the Bible.
512-523Rick Scarborough, founder of Vision America (, on getting Christian in America to vote and to realize what's at stake in this presidential election.
Here's the link to Dobson's broadcast today.
(:17) Barack at the liberal Christian Call to Renewal event on 6/28/2006.  Here's the link to Obama's full speech, and here's the transcript.  "And even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools?  Would we go with James Dobson's or Al Sharpton's?"
(:40) Dobson responds on the 6/24/08 Focus broadcast, (paraphrased) "Why is Obama equating me with Reverend Sharpton?  I'm a psychologist."
(:10)  Dobson, "I think he is deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology."
(:52) Dobson, "I ask the people to really stay with me here.  He's trying to make the case, that it is anti-democratic to believe for fight for moral principles in the Bible that are not supported by people of all faiths.  Or, presumably, by those of no faith.  What the senator is saying there, in essence, is that I can't seek to pass legislation, for example, that bans partial birth abortion because there are people in the culture who don't see that as a moral issue.  And, if I can't get everyone to agree with me, it is undemocratic to try to pass legislation that I find offensive to the Scripture.  Now that is a fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution." […We don't have to go to the lowest common denominator of morality which is what he is suggesting. Am I required in a democracy to conform my efforts in the political arena to his bloody notion of what is right with regard to the lives of tiny babies?]
(:27) Dobson, "To my knowledge, none of the political candidates, speaking also of Hillary Clinton, has said a word about the importance of preserving the family.  Not a word.  It has no significance at all.  They talk about insignificant things so much of the time, and yet it is as though the family does not matter.  I've used a phrase in the past, I'll use it again, they don't give a hoot about the family."
• Thomas Krannawitter And Kaitlyn Buss (IBD) Nothing's New In Obama Take On HillaryCare.
• William J. Bennett & Seth Leibsohn, 10 Concerns about Barack Obama: It's policy.